Reviews from

in the past

very buggy and a lil clunky, but the most satisfying gameplay of any sandbox survival i've played. the world is very unique and well designed with intention which is surprisingly rare in the game

Exploring the ocean in a game has never been so pretty. Or so utterly terrifying.

I would never play this in vr

One of the first survival crafting games that I got 100% achivements in during a single run of just two weeks (mostly) playing the game and its perfectly paced. I was JUST starting to get tired of the game when it ended, it was great, I'll absolutely buy the sequel.

Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?

I wanted to enjoy this, but the survival aspects are tedious, repetitive and time-consuming. You constantly need to backtrack, which hurts the exploration. I think it would be a lot more enjoyable in multiplayer (since you could divvy up the labor), but that's sadly not an option without modding. I wish there was a map/cartography mechanic as well.

The performance leaves a lot to be desired. My PC was running loudly despite being well above the system requirements.

Eu descobri uma fobia minha que eu nem nunca pensei que teria.

It has a very well crafted world, but the lack of a map and the constant backtracking required is annoying.
Oh, you need one blue crystal only to build this important thing? Go on a 1 hour journey to a specific place to get said crystal, only to find out that you will need again when a new recipe unlocks.
Otherwise, the game is very pleasant.

God DAMN this game is good. Few games are able to capture the fear of the unknown as well as Subnautica, and being able to slowly conquer this strange alien world bit by bit is exhilarating. Something about having a massive submarine that acts as a portable base really speaks to me for some reason. Highly recommend.

meu jogo favorito, a lore é interessante, o mundo é vivo e a gameplay é ótima e não decai nunca, mas apesar de ser meu jogo favorito ele sempre possuiu bugs irritantes e podia se beneficiar muito com algumas mudanças qol

continua sendo peak

More terrifying then a lot of horror games. Being stranded alone in a alien ocean is a unique and frightening sensation, and Subnautica was able to make me feel this fear every second through the gameplay, ambiance and exploration. The story is great, the soundtracks are amazing. I really want to play this game in VR

I dunno how I was able to finish this, given I have Thalassophobia

I'm still scared of this game sometimes. I know more, and I know better, but deep water still gives me the ick.

I love how this game can oscillate from otherworldly wonder and discovery to the dread of exploring in very dangerous places. Soundtrack perfectly captures this as well.

Best and most unique survival game with an ending, that I will never finish because it's too scary. The scariest game I've ever played in my life.

A really fantastic survival game that I was happy watch go from a decently small early in development game to something so amazing (man I remember when stuff like the lava zone wasn’t finished or when you were to have baby reef backs in your aquarium). The storyline is very interesting and actually got me to engage with the world outside of trying to find materials. I also really like how the game has a definite end goal and actually something to work toward than just dicking around in a world just because. Only real issue is this game chugs really bad at times. Also yes this game is scary as hell and I won’t ever forget my first time getting ambushed by a reaper.

Great survival games with an actual decently interesting plot, survival and exploration aspects were amazing, though.

NEVER PLAYING THIS i have thalassophobia

Super interesting game! I loved every aspect of it

it's interesting and i can see it being very fun but i'm too scared

my thalassophobic did NOT enjoy this

I want to finish this game so badly, but due to real thalassophobia it is one of the few games that makes me legitimately physically uncomfortable to play. I made it through about half of the game's story I believe before I just couldn't do it anymore despite how much I wanted to.