Reviews from

in the past

Subtracting points for controls. Especially since the c stick feels like a pain to use for Smash attacks and yet is still the best option you have.

Smash for 3DS slander will not be tolerated in this household

The main function of this game was to keep me warm while I was waiting for the Wii U release. However, still impressive how they managed to make the game playable and fun on the 3DS! Great game, just not too exciting.

gostosinho mas beeem repetitivo, mas eu continuo amando muito

dá pra ver que houve melhora de jogabilidade com o passar do tempo, e a inovação também foi muito interessante. também foi um dos jogos que joguei em emulação e foi uma experiência incrível, pois eu amo tudo que é feito em Smash e é simplesmente divertido jogar casualmente

I had quite a bit of fun playing the game casually

Goddamit this game is trash but its my childhood so it gets a half a star extra

My first exposure to smash bros, I never played this with other played so i feel i missed out on what it had to offer

My fingers always hurt so badly after playing this.

It's ok Nintendo, you CAN copy yourself from time to time. All I'm saying is that the world would probably be a better place if you could play Smash Run in this modern age.

The Smash Brothers game I always wanted back when I had a Nintendo DS. I never had a WiiU (Thank god), so this is the only version of the game I ever owned.

It's good. Character roster is great, classic mode and smash run are fun, I miss the old all star mode and I love the idea of Master and Crazy Hand turning into these weird darkness monsters, they were pretty sick to fight, although hard.

Same thing as with Brawl. It's enyojable, but once I played Ultimate, it was impossible for me to come back to this one; it just feels too slow.

Great game, smash bros on the go, oh wow such gameplay, it's the uh, future I guess

So, my cartridge kind of, eh, fucking died? on me after 3 years of constant use
Straight up won't start up
And I'm pretty sure that the reason I had to change my circlepad was this game? at least 40% of the reason

Best smash bros ever made, its amazing because i can use my 3ds as a controller and its handheld definitely better than ultimate in terms of graphics and gameplay

Smash 3DS is in a weird spot. It doesn't have the vast single player content of the previous game, it doesn't have a roster as massive as the next game, and there's another version of the same game on Wii U. It was incredibly cool to have a completely portable Smash game, but even that's something the next game does. So you'd think, well why even bother, what's there to go back to?
I actually greatly prefer this version to its Wii U counterpart though. The classic mode here is my favorite in the series, choosing different routes based on difficulty is a nice shake up and maybe my favorite classic in the series? Smash Run is so much fun, I still come back to it all the time and wonder why Wii U and Ultimate didn't bother with it. Same could be said for some of the stages here that didn't return in Ultimate, Rainbow Road and Pac-Maze. For some reason, this is also the only Smash game to save the last skin you used so you don't have to swap through them to get to your favorite.
Sure it loses some of the impact of being a portable smash these days, but for a handful of years this was the coolest thing ever. And at the end of the day, Smash is Smash, and it's so much fun, even if it's not the best in the series at anything in particular.


Revolutionary but rip ice climbers

Playing Smash on a handheld was revolutionary at the time but it's hard to recommend going back to it. Coolest feature was being able to use your 3DS as a controller for the Wii U version.

i thought this was the coolest thing ever when it first came out. now it's like the lamest thing ever


The more superior version of super smash bros 4. Being able to play smash on the go is really cool and smash run is a very fun exclusive! It might be technologically limited thanks to being a 3ds game but smash bros as a handheld is already a great idea :)

This game was heat before smash got a better portable game

I put the most hours into this version, and because I was a 13 year old child playing it, the small screen and buttons everyone complains about never bothered me. Playing it now as a man is a little rough but man this game was peak to me, and I still think I prefer it over the Wii U version. The stage selection is almost perfect in my opinion, and Smash Run is so fun that I'm still devastated Smash ultimate didn't bring it back. Loved and love this game, it got shit on way more than it deserved.

Mostly bought this game because it came out before the Wii U version. I give it one more star for the novelty of a full-fledged portable Smash game, for how nice the thick black character outlines looked, and for Smash Run.

You can definitely feel the passion to make this as playable as possible, but the lack of a proper second stick ruins this for me. I have a New 2DS XL for context, and did not want to get the circle pad pro for this. The only other thing I have to say is that Sakurai should have also emphasized on having every stage in Ultimate because Rainbow Road is better compared to every Mario Kart stage in that game.

Have heard it's not too good compared to others, but it's the one I grew up on (and the only other one I've (very briefly) played is ultimate), so I view it in the best light. To name a few of my favorite parts,,, I looved smash run, playing local wireless with my brother and cousins, and I was always excited about unlocking trophies from other games I played.