Reviews from

in the past

Smash Bros on the go! A fun game that is hindered a little by it's hardware. It's got some heart and fun alternative game modes.

I do not think Smash is made for small screens but they made it work best they could.

This game was actually so much fun, I am so grateful that they made this game so I could appreciate the hype of Ultimate and all the other games associated during my teen years.

absolutely criminal how they left mk7 rainbow road exclusive to the 3ds

What if Smash bros....... WAS MID.
Edit: okay maybe that was a bit harsh

I really thought this would of been a bigger deal than it was. Portable smash bros seemed like something that would of done really well but this game is more forgotten about than smash 4

One of the best 3ds games even if controlling a fighting game with a tiny nub stick and little bumpers gave me arthritis.

Also smash run was amazing and singeplayer in general, classic mode was great this time around.

What an odd decision, and it looked like dog ass.

The Smash Brothers game I always wanted back when I had a Nintendo DS. I never had a WiiU (Thank god), so this is the only version of the game I ever owned.

It's good. Character roster is great, classic mode and smash run are fun, I miss the old all star mode and I love the idea of Master and Crazy Hand turning into these weird darkness monsters, they were pretty sick to fight, although hard.

Same thing as with Brawl. It's enyojable, but once I played Ultimate, it was impossible for me to come back to this one; it just feels too slow.

My fingers always hurt so badly after playing this.

dont ask how many hours i have on this game bro

The 3DS version of smash bros is fun, but it is the one I would rather play any of the other games in the series over this one. The combat is pretty simple and is more casual than Brawl or Ultimate. Also the fact that in the 3DS version you can't play with eight players kind of defeats the purpose of the upgrade to this version when the Wii U version has all the extra stuff. This game is literally the Wii U version minus a lot of game modes and add-ons which make it fun.

The amount of time I spent playing this on bus rides was insane

minus one star for breaking my circle pad

The combination of the camera mode and zero suit samus was absolutely fantastic to me when I was 12. I have no shame

I more or less have the same feelings on this game as i do on smash for Wii U, however i do feel this game deserves some extra credit for what it achieved on the 3ds. Before ultimate, it was amazing to be able to carry this game around.

they really said "let's put all the cool smash 4 content on the platform nobody wants to play it on"

pretty good game and while it is a technical feat it's presence on the 3ds makes it a game i barely played since the wii u version dropped, despite arguably being better

Gonna be honest, as far as single player stuff comes, 3DS is way better than Wii U. Smash Run clears every single one of its modes, its exclusive stages are overall better, you don't really miss out on anything. It's still the inferior version just by virtue of the platform it's on, and Wii U might be better if it just didn't exist, but... yeah it's aight.

Great game, smash bros on the go, oh wow such gameplay, it's the uh, future I guess

So, my cartridge kind of, eh, fucking died? on me after 3 years of constant use
Straight up won't start up
And I'm pretty sure that the reason I had to change my circlepad was this game? at least 40% of the reason

got this from smyths toys super store and logged like 20 hours as bowser junior over a really boring holiday and i will always treasure that. Not perfect when viewed through a retrospective lens, but smash is smash, so its a fun time.

Minha vida teria sido mt diferente se eu não tivesse comprado essa merda

easily the wrost smash game. Cant belive they got rid of the ice climbers for this fuckin shitty game

You can definitely feel the passion to make this as playable as possible, but the lack of a proper second stick ruins this for me. I have a New 2DS XL for context, and did not want to get the circle pad pro for this. The only other thing I have to say is that Sakurai should have also emphasized on having every stage in Ultimate because Rainbow Road is better compared to every Mario Kart stage in that game.

I put the most hours into this version, and because I was a 13 year old child playing it, the small screen and buttons everyone complains about never bothered me. Playing it now as a man is a little rough but man this game was peak to me, and I still think I prefer it over the Wii U version. The stage selection is almost perfect in my opinion, and Smash Run is so fun that I'm still devastated Smash ultimate didn't bring it back. Loved and love this game, it got shit on way more than it deserved.

Smash run is kino and the game plays surprisingly well on 3DS.

I had quite a bit of fun playing the game casually


Using your 3DS as a controller for the Wii U version was wild

I used to record king dedede gameplay of smash 3ds in 2018

my setup involved a tripod placed on top of a plate in front of my 3ds

My peak was 13 views

good game, but not the best smash bros game. it was probably really cool while it was the only handheld smash bros, but now that ultimate exists, this game just can't meassure up to it