Reviews from

in the past

An interesting puzzle game with many elements similar to the Room series. Personally this game took me longer to complete than both the Room 1 and 2 combined, so there's a bit more content here. Like a lot of puzzle games, the story takes a back seat. What I did like was that puzzles seem to be a bit more logical than those of the Room and rely a bit less on blindly clicking stuff. Only gripe I have is that I found it very difficult to interact with some objects, with really poor feedback from clicking and dragging different items.

Overall though, it's a fine game.

O jogo não é ruim , longe disso ele é muito bem feito mas jogos de puzzle assim prefiro que eles sejam mais curtos , infelizmente sofro de preguiça (preg para os íntimos) , ent ficar pensando por 6 horas seguidas é literalmente impossível . Eu tentei ir jogando aos poucos , mas a vontade foi diminuindo talvez eu tente d novo um dia

É um jogo mt bem feito e bem bonito pra celular, os puzzles são bem criativos mas a jogabilidade de se mover pelo cenário ( no celular ) foi bem complicado as vezes.

>> Prós
• PUZZLES : Mt bem elaborados em diversos momentos, alguns chega a ser sacanagem de tão chatos.
• GRÁFICOS/CENÁRIOS : São bem bonitos pra celular.

>> Contras
• LOMOÇÃO : Se locomover pelos cenários é bem irritante em diversos momentos em q o jogo erra o movimento.

>> Capítulos
• BIBLIOTECA = 3.5/5
• OFICINA = 4/5 ( O puzzle do tabuleiro de conquistar foi o melhor )
• PÁTIO = 3/5
• CRIPTA = 4/5 ( Esse foi o melhor e mais demorado )
• ARSENAL = 3.5/5
• TORRE = 3/5 ( O astrolábio foi bem irritante )

Short and fun but not too engaging. Story didn't have me hooked and some of the puzzles were pretty tedious to solve (not hard). It's easy to lose focus and attention in some parts. But it's a first game and I love the concept as I've been a long time fan of The Room series which this game clearly takes inspiration from. Controls sometimes feel a bit clunky (game is a port if I'm not mistaken) and the camera fixed movement sometimes makes it pretty hard to discern important details you need to solve the puzzles and advance.

I'd say you should give it a chance if you like escape room games but don't set your expectations too high.

This game is basically the Room series, but with more story and big environments to explore. The micro-puzzles are 100% Room style, but you also exploring and using Da Vinci's device to rewind time. If you like puzzles this is a must.

Fun puzzle game that has you trying to figure out where to use the bits and bobs you have gathered. I also really like anything related to Leonardo Da Vinci!

Graphics were also beautiful. I would have preferred a way to remove the HUD for screenshots, but you can't have everything I guess, haha.

mfw the puzzle is clicking everything on your screen

El parecido con The Room es innegable, no me molesta porque al contrario fue lo que impulsó a darle una oportunidad.
La historia está más presente en esta entrega, pero no siento que sume realmente. El acento sigue estando en los puzzles y son muy interesantes y variados, Mantiene esa jugabilidad "táctil" haciendo que tengas que imitar los movimientos de una mano con el mouse al interactuar con los objetos.
el único problema con la estética realista es que provoca que me cueste diferenciar los objetos jugables del decorado, haciendo que muchas veces en ves de preguntarme ¿Cómo resuelvo el puzzle? me cuestione ¿Dónde carajo está el puzzle?
Sin embargo por su precio lo recomiendo ampliamente si terminaste la Saga The room y te quedaste con ganas de más, si es así, este juego no decepciona.

obtained 5/6 Steam achievements

the puzzles were mostly satisfying to solve, albeit some had rather obscure clues that were pretty ridiculous to mull through. the story was pretty much a nothingburger.

Um puzzle bem legal na casa do Da Vinci

tem uns puzzles mecânicos gostozinhos de resolver junto com as fechaduras mais tiktoks satisfatorios inventadas pra você abrir


I love these sorts of games. I wished this one was excellent overall, and while some puzzles were great, several were tedious, and others did not signpost enough and left me frustrated.

Viele kreative Rätsel im Stil der „The Room“-Reihe, zusammen mit einer durch Notizen erzählten Geschichte über eine geheime Apparatur Da Vincis.

Während die ersten zwei Drittel relativ spannend sind und nachvollziehbare Rätsel enthalten, wird danach leider häufig auf umständlich zu findende Orte sowie Reihenfolge-Erraten-Rätsel gesetzt. Wäre die Umgebung nicht so gut umgesetzt für ein Indie-Spiel, hätte ich die Bewertung weiter gesenkt.

Hübsche Empfehlung für „The Room“-Fans.

Achievements: 83 %
Gespielte Fassung: Windows-Version auf Linux Mint 21.2

The Room but House but more migraine

absolutely destroyed my computer but nice graphics and puzzles otherwise

Jueguecito de puzzles tipo The ROOM que empieza mucho mejor que como acaba. Lo peor que tiene es una cámara que a veces te obliga a dar demasiados pasos, o todo lo que bebe del juego mentado, haciéndolo todo un poco peor. La historia te va empujando sin explicarte nada en una dirección que nunca resuelve, a la espera de que juegues a una segunda parte. ¿Y por qué lo recomiendo? Porque a pesar de eso tiene unos puzzles suficientemente interesantes, sobre todo al principio.