Reviews from

in the past

Battler and Beatrice are rocking my world everytime they appear and interact
Natsuhi focused episode lesss gooo
also that rat Erika appears ig

i want to repeatedly slam battler against a wall like hes a plushie filled with milk

After the dramatic highs of the 4th episode I thought I was going to be disappointed with this Episode but it clearly proved to me I was wrong. From building upon Battler's and Beatrice's relationship after the end of the 4th chapter to the sin that Natsuhi committed 19 years there is just so many emotional scenes in this chapter that I love. I also like the new mysteries like "The man from 19 years ago" that it introduces. This episode somehow ramps up the "action" with many intense battles involving wits and the blue and red truth that i'm honestly just here for the ride instead of trying to piece things together. This chapter gives me high hopes that the last three chapters are going to of consistent or even higher quaility (so far Umineko has not disapointed me). I also have to mention the fact that Erika is a massive rat.
(I might change the rating after I finish reading the entire VN)

My personal favourite Umineko arc.

The last of the good episodes. Here on out it falls apart.

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I swear I did not intentionally unpause this and finished Episode 5 coincidentally on an exact same day & month as the Game's events lol.
(October 5th)

Coming off the giant battle & defeat with Battler, Beato has turned into a husk of her former self.
With Lambdadelta, the Witch of Certainty, assuming the role of the game master, the intricate construction of the gameboards is laid bare for all to see. Higher plane/4D Beato basically takes a backseat to this episode as Lambdadelta ascends to the role of game master, with Battler even refusing to engage until the very end. Lambdadelta & Bernkastel go against each other with Bern leveling the playing field with the introduction of Erika Furudo, a master detective.
While they are "against" each other in the beginning, it becomes clear by the end that both Bern & Lambda are still ultimately working together to break the illusion of the Witch and erase Beato. All of this is ultimately for their own entertainment as boredom is the worst kind of poison to eternal witches.

I knew it coming eventually but not this soon.... actual ROMANCE developments between Battler & Beato. While yes it is between "Chess Piece" Battler & "Chess Piece" Beato, it's still incredibly cute to see, ESPECIALLY after one-upping Erika, beating Dlanor, and having that big jump moment.
On the 4D side of things - Battler, after nearly pushing Beatrice to the brink of death, undergoes a massive transformation. His desire to comprehend Beatrice's motivations transcends simple rivalry, giving rise to a twisted yet surprisingly compelling form of romance - calling back to the game's infamous phrase - “Without love, the truth cannot be seen".
This shift goes into a popular theme of the human condition, introducing characters like Dlanor A. Knox, a representation of Knox's Decalogue (incredibly funny & creative btw), while injecting an element of romance into Umineko's overarching mystery through her dialogues with Battler. It becomes abundantly clear that Umineko is a homage to detective fiction, and Ryukishi's ardor for the genre shines is very apparent. While characters like Erika personify the relentless pursuit of truth, Battler embodies a more romantic facet, emphasising the motives behind actions rather than fixating solely on the methods employed.

Episode 5 delves deeper into Umineko's metaphysical intricacies, particularly concerning its layered narrative. While some ambiguity persists, some level of critical thinking allows readers to pierce through some of its deceptions. Notably, the scene in which Battler strives desperately to defend Beatrice and Natsuhi in Kinzo's quarters with no avail. From Chapters 1-14, both Beatrice and Battler are no longer players in control of their destinies; they are mere pawns manipulated by the omnipotent Lambdadelta. We are also given more questions: Why does Lambdadelta invest such effort in orchestrating scenarios where Beatrice pleads for death in front of Battler? What is the 19 year lie with Battler? Why did Beato herself orchestrate so many games to make Battler realize a truth of his past?

While Episode 5 may not directly contribute to solving the core mystery of Umineko, it equips readers with invaluable tools and hints, albeit not essential clues. Battler's attainment of the truth of this story and the ability to wield the golden truth signifies that all the necessary clues have been presented. It encourages readers to revisit the previous episodes, making the experience feel a lot more whole and earned (I have my theory presented in episode 4 if you want to know what my prediction is)

With Episode 6 serving as the likely climax to this battle with Erika, where Battler assumes the role of Game Master for the first time & GAINS THE GOLDEN TRUTH, the narrative promises to inch closer to unraveling the central mystery.

wtf is this expansion crap? Thought I finished this title and this just ruined what I thought was a good story.

pacing fucking sucks but my lord does it pay off in the ??? section. my opinion of this game before and after i finished it is night and day lol. i was kinda expecting the answer arcs to be similar to higurashi's in that meakashi gives u a clear explanation of watanagashi etc etc, but thats not this games fault its obviously a very different story and ive clearly learned all expectations should be thrown out the window. also dleanor is so cool. DIE THE DEATH

I mean, it was good, but I was expecting something more emotional, based on how I felt in the last episode, but overall,

love me some broken english

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Another insane chapter, consitent highs some amazing writing throughout and is able to continually introduce new characters without it becoming overwhelming and have them all fit in quite nicely. It's also able to grow and develop the main cast in great ways even when they have minimal interaction with the plot eg Beato

Now for whatever random ass thoughts I come up with:

Erika is simutansley a character I really love because shes very funny, but also I hate her with my whole being she is a being of evil and she deserves the worst in life, which I guess she got during the ending anyway tbf. Also Bern is messed up, like if my theory that isn't really a theory because there isn't really any other explanation that she's Rika because she clearly is, what happend to her man... Rika was like a bit insane sure but like this is just evil on another level, also the witches are confirmed Lesbians, Lets go Lesbians! I still hate them both though they are EVIL and they are too cruel to my man Battler he don't deserve this. (or doesss hee.?>?>??> wowoowo idk yet I guess)

Battler is amazing in this Episode, and his relationship with Beato is very sweet, and the ??? with Battler and Beato was amazing no matter how short it was. And there relationship going the way it is was defintley not something I anticipated when I started Umineko, esp with Ch2 and such but like it just works better that it has any right to. My main question now is if Battler will be able to through with killing her, I feel he prob can but I'll see I'm not confident rigth now.

Battler becoming a witch in the ??? was crazy too I still don't know what Gold Truth is though if I'm being truthful, I have a rough idea but I could not explain it to you if you asked.

Music was as always very very good, so is the VA just amazing performances all round.

Cool seeing a focus on Natsuhi again after Ch1 Shes a very interesting character and the way you perceive this episode defintley showcases alot about her, and the ending is so sad because Erika you didn't need to do all that...

Also Erika Furude is like come on, Bern she has a 1 letter dif from Rika like messed up, she got lazy.

Also the chapter made me cry again, which is the second time Umineko has been able do that, I teared up a bit during the ending of the Main Episode but during the ??? I actually full on cried.

Overall another amazing chapter that I feel doesn't have the highest highs of Umineko, I think Ep4 still has the best moments so far, but Ep5 is so consitently amazing and well written that it deserves 5 stars, because there was never a point in the pacing where I felt we focused too much on one story, I thought the pacing here was actually incredible especially compared to Ep4.

Also Higurashi Spoilers for a little while as a bonus to my review:
I 100% agree that Higurashi should be read before Umineko, because it doesn't tie fully into the plot and it's even treated as both a book and a VN to the characters, but Umineko defintely uses ideas and concepts from Higurashi quite well, like all the mentions of miracles for example is talked about semi frequently in Umineko and the ideas behind that are explained in Higurashi quite well and what it takes for it to happen and the ideas that game holds and shares. Also fragments kinda feel like something that isn't explained very well in Uminkeo but it's done perfectlly if you've read Higurashi. I feel even if you hadn't read Higurashi you'd figure it out relativly quickly what they meant but it kinda doesn't go into much detail. And finally my main thought about this, is Bern. In some ways I feel it's very sad to read Higurashi then go to Umineko just because I can see what's become of Rika, like maybe she did get to live out a happy life sure in Hinamizawa until like she died or whatever but seeing her basically become Takano is kinda sad. I hope she has some sort of redemption becuase she is so god damm cruel and mean it's unreal. Anyway random rambling over

anway Umineko so far is amazing and I'm not good enough to sum up my thoughts in a way that people would like to read but oh well. it's actually one of my favourite stories ever and I've not even finished it yet, so I don't know if that says more about me or the game(book)(whatever)

omg this shit is crazy. I keep thinking like "oh this solution totally makes sense" and then a character brings up that exact theory and I'm so wrong that even when I seem to get something right I think I'm still wrong. Anyways Dlanor is amazing Erika is amazing nobody does it like Ryukishi.

Amazing, story is really great, and great pacing, and that ending was great, also furudo erika is an amazing antagonist.

Knox's 11th. Backloggd users have no credibility when the theme of their review is STORYTELLING

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Assim como Battler garantiu que o corpo do Kinzo é aquele mesmo, [[||EU GARANTO QUE ESTE CAPÍTULO É MUITO BOM||]].

Eu poderia dar 4 estrelas pelo fato de ter um pacing meio estranho no começo, mas a Dlanor, a Erika, e os últimos capítulos, tudo fez com que isso aqui fosse <GOOD>, <VERY GOOD>.

Finalmente o texto está sutilmente bem estruturado, Ficou bom de fato...

Very good episode there were some parts that were way too slow though.