Reviews from

in the past

A neat little minigame... game, I don't think all the minigames work as well as others, some aren't clear on what you're supposed to do, but they're fun overall. The games presentation is nice, full voice acting is a nice treat, hearing wario speak full sentences will never get old, and the game has a fair bit of content.

While the wario ware games aren't my favourite they're fun enough for short bursts of gaming every now and then, overall a fun time.

Peak WarioWare. It combines mechanics from the three portable games that came before into one and goes ham with it.
It also has a bunch of side modes that are mostly very fun. It is the ultimate experience of microgames, and one of the best games on the 3DS.

A Warioware game is only as good as its 9-volt stage. This one has three, 9, 18, and 9’s mom! Automatically the best one.

A real shame it has tilt controls and emulated tilt controls are garbage. Man, I hate motion controls! Warioware, however, is the only franchise I’ll allow that maybe alternative motion controls are fun on their original hardware, inaccessible to me it may be. It’s not Warioware Gold’s fault I’m playing this with a not-really switch pro controller that tilts up and down/sometimes down and up to work instead of “left and right means left and right.” But that’s it! I won’t allow it for any other game. If I have to remember up or down is right and left to fire a silver arrow then Link can fuck right off. Aw, what’s the matter, can’t rescue princess Zelda with your nonsense tilt-a-sword? Shoulda thought of that when you brought peace to Hyrule the last eighteen fucken times, you know, with your normal sword.

stop with the tilting around the thing it doesn't work when i'm laying down it won't calibrate right!!!

I'll keep playing this from time to time but, wow, this is my favourite game in the series still even on replay. After I was introduced to the series with Touched on DS, WarioWare Gold is still everything I think of when I think of WarioWare. Very fun to pick up and play. And the full voice acting, even for Wario, is a nice treat!

Everything that makes Warioware, Warioware in a single place. An instant classic thats infinetly replayable. No matter how memorized those microgames are in your head theres always wiggle room to perfection.

This was AWESOME! definitely the best one so far! And full voice acting this time!

Great compilation, but If you’ve already played several WarioWare games before this one like I have, you wont find much new content here. Still a blast though, especially if this is one of your first Wario games.

I didn't expect it to be this much fun before I started playing it :D The game is literally like a 2-hour Nintendo demo. If Nintendo company would be a game, this would be it. But of course it is a game that needs to be experienced on the actual console, it would be ridiculous to play it with Citra, but if you can somehow get a 3DS, I would definitely recommend it. (Don't buy tho, game is too short. Try piracy 🤭)

short as hell but its basically a compilation game with a lot of charm and fun cutscenes and side modes, def worth checking it out

Greatest hits compilations can be a hard sell since a fan of the series might say "big deal, I've played all these games before" but the beauty of Gold lies in the hardware it was released on. Getting a WarioWare on the 3DS, a system that can emulate both the gyro controls of Twisted and the touch screen of Touched, was a stroke of genius - even if it occurred late in the system's lifespan - and the way it accumulates into an absolutely frantic finale where you're switching between 3 different play styles on the fly was a real "This is why I love video games as a art medium" moment. If you're going to use console gimmicks for your video game, might as well go this hard with them, and if you can, please play this beautiful game on an actual 3DS system. This is where Gold shines. like gold

In a way, WarioWare Gold is an amazing send-off, both for the handheld WarioWare games and the 3DS itself. An absolutely exquisite curtain drop for the system before it succumbs to its fatal injuries via poorly selling remakes, and I'm saying this about a game where Wario gains godlike powers by wearing a communal toilet on his head and tries to murder a small child in front of a stadium full of people while doing so (in makes sense in context, I promise, and also it's unclear if the communal toilet itself has godlike powers or if Wario gave himself godlike powers via the placebo effect).

Oh, and to sweeten the deal, once you collect all the souvenirs, the game slaps you on the back and says "well done, now you get this mildly addicting collectible card game where you play rock-paper-scissors against those random freaks from the minigames". This game rules.

Minha Review de WarioWare Gold:

WarioWare gold lançado para o 3ds no ano de 2018, WarioWare gold é um dos jogos desta série de jogos do Wario chamada de WarioWare.

Esse é o jogo que eu mais me divertir jogando dessa franquia até o momento!

O jogo tem 3 tipos de modos de minigames para jogar os minigames é eles são:

O jeito clássico de se jogar usando os botões b, a, dpad, que vem lá do WarioWare inc microgames feito para o gba.

O outro jeito de se jogar minigames é usando o giroscópio do 3ds que vem lá do WarioWare twisted lançado para gba.

O último tipo de minigame é usando a tela de toque do 3ds que foi usado pela primeira vez lá no warioWare touched para o Nintendo ds.

Agora falando dos minigames, eles são muito criativos, cada um com seu estilo diferente e diferentes mecânicas.

Agora graficamente falando o jogo tá bem mais bonito, ele foi lançado para o 3ds que tinha um hardware bem mais forte comparado DS e GBA.

As músicas são muito boas, até agora é a minha favorita da franquia.

Considerações finais:

Que jogo maravilhoso, esse jogo é simplesmente muito genial, valeu muito apena jogar!

Nota que eu dou para este jogo é uma nota 10!

BOM DEMAIS, um dos wario ware que mais joguei, super divertido com minigames de outros jogos e outros minigames originais.

really fucking wacky game and also fun

a good game! works great as a final hurra for the 3DS but its not as impressive as previous entries

the new artstyle is UGLY.

I love this game's energy, its stupid and weird, but thats what I want from a game like this, I want a fast paced wacky game with a weird sense of humour that will keep me happy and entertained, with additional contents that are not even DLC (what a shock!), yeah overall this is a fun game.

Why is this genre of game so rare?

Enorme. Par contre j'ai pas d'Amiibo, ni de 2ème joueur avec le jeu, donc j'ai pas vraiment pu le compléter à fond. Mais reste le meilleur WarioWare à ce jour

Great game featuring pushing a button, tilting and touch feature

Probably the absolute best WarioWare there is. The most amount of microgames from all previous games plus new ones, with touch, button e gyro controls. Full voiced cutscenes and lots of extra content and alternative game modes, like Sneaky Gamer from Game & Wario and Pyoro. Amazing soundtrack and visuals, one of the best games on the 3DS period.

I've always been a big Wario fan, and I'm also quite the WarioWare fan, so this is a game I've had on my radar for a while. But once I saw online that this actually has a ton of Wario VA and little cutscenes in it, I knew I had to pick up the English version (as the Japanese version doesn't have Charles Martinet's Wario in it). It took me 14 hours to finish story mode and clear out the capsule machine (from where you get collectibles). I didn't unlock nearly everything (there are a lot of challenges way too hard for me to try XP), but I certainly got what I wanted out of it, at least for now~

WarioWare Gold IS a new WarioWare game, but it's also largely a compliation of all the previous handheld entries' best games. It's not all the games from the original GBA game, Twisted, and Touched, but it's a LOT of them (over 300, as the back of the box says). There's a story mode with 15 stages, five for each of the three games types (mash (just D-pad and buttons), twist, and touch), and then three final stages that are a mix of the three. These encompass the very silly story of WarioWare Gold.

After his most recent heist of a priceless ancient pot, Wario discovers he's totally tapped out for cash. What's his solution? Hold a giant video game tournament and stream it! And what better way to get games for people to play on it (people being you, the player) than to call up his friends and trick them into making games for free yet again? You need to battle your way through his tournament and win that cash/save the day! There are very silly cutscenes before and after each of the stages that feature Wario as well as his friends (9-Volt, Orbulon, Mona, Kat & Ana, and many more). They're silly and adorable in a way I found endlessly charming. Wario's instructional dialogue for how to play each type of game in particular is what caught my eye online and convinced me to buy the English version of this in the first place X3

Other than the main microgames that make up the meat of the game, there are challenge modes as WarioWare often has. Endless gauntlets of each type of game, a gauntlet with only one life, a gauntlet at the highest speed, even a split-screen mode where you're quickly going between the top and bottom screen to do games as fast as you can! There's also a collection of dedicated minigames you can play for score attacks, and a bunch of other weird and interesting features to unlock by using the coins you earn by playing the game on the little gachapon machine. You can get little trading cards that have details of each character in the game, you can unlock a museum of Nintendo toys and consoles with descriptions and pictures dating from their hanafuda cards all the way to the Switch, you can unlock music tracks of famous songs from WarioWare that even have the lyrics to sing along with (for those that have lyrics), and weirdly enough you can even unlock character-themed alarm clocks. You set the timer on it, leave your 3DS on overnight (presumably), and then it makes a big noise in that character's voice, and it won't STOP making that noise until you get up and WIN three of those character's mini-games!

Verdict: Highly Recommended. I'm not sure when the next new-new WarioWare game will be, but this is a fantastic love letter to the series and to Nintendo's history as a whole. If you like WarioWare, this is about as close to a "definitive" experience for it as you're gonna get. Easily worth the price of admission for any WarioWare fan~

The BEST Warioware out there. a combination of the franchises best, split in 3 main gameplay styles. (4, if you count the mic microgames)

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