Reviews from

in the past

i indeed love katamari. somehow this one is even more fun than damacy. plus you can burn children (ethically?)

A clear cut improvement over the first game. Preserving the charm, having a great variety of levels, and serving up more amazing music.


the perfect sequel to the perfect game

Sort of depressing that even in a game like this, when you roll over to the desert/middle east type area on the world map bit, that there's tanks and warfare going on.

Great game though, play it all the time when i need to de-stress.

a perfect sequel to an already phenomenal game, we love katamari takes everything damacy did, cranks it up to 11, brings tons of new ideas to the table, gives it a fresh new coat of paint, provides some all new bangin tracks, gives a huge selection of playable characters, and fixes up a lot of the issues with the physics of the original. if you're gonna play one katamari game, have it be this one, it's absolutely worth your time.

Nada melhor do que tu sair rolando sua katamari por cima do fodendo Taj Mahal muito foda, ou então pela fodendo Torre Eiffel... E depois ir rolar por cima de 1000 origamis dentro de uma escola, porque isso claramente faz sentido
É aquele jogo japonês experimental muito único e que não vis atrazer dificuldades e stress ao jogador, mas sim o oposto, e ele me trouxe um sentimento muito nostalgico, mas talvez isso seja um certo viés da minha parte, afinal, eu amo o PS2. Mas isso é um fator primordial, sem dúvidas para a minha opinião. Eu AMO Katamari. E agora posso dizer isso, eu literalmente gostei demais desse jogo. Já é top 5 jogos de PS2 pra mim e um dos melhores que zerei esse ano (veremos se o melhor). Sei que tem o remake, e algum dia, pretendo comprá-lo, junto do remake do Damacy. E a história do Rei dos Cosmos é muito comovente. :v

Quite some time ago, I was told by word of mouth that We Love Katamari was the best of the Katamari games. Such was why I held off on getting the other 3 games in the series that came out after it. Though I have not played Katamari Forever yet, of the original 4 games that all have original level content, I can say that We Love Katamari is definitely the best.

Musically I'm probably the least big fan of this one. It does have some new tracks, but it largely reuses music from the first game. My only gripe with that is that I don't really care for a good chunk of the new tracks, and some of my favorites from the first game (the original Katamari on the Rocks theme, Que Sara Sara) aren't present in this one :/ . It's a tiny gripe, but I gotta throw it out there as it was basically my only real problem with the game.

The controls and physics have been cleaned up a TON from the first game. You don't get thrown around nearly as much, mostly due to better level design and not so much that you can't be thrown around (believe me, you can). You can also climb stairs and surfaces MUCH more easily than the first game (which was a major problem), and you also don't lose items nearly as easily when you bump into stuff. Cleaning up these mechanics really makes the game far more user friendly and fun to play, and very quickly puts it objectively head and shoulders above the original.

Where this game really shines, even over it's console sequel, is level variety. There are quite a lot of stages, but more importantly, they all take place in very different locations. Not only are there just a lot of geographically unique locations that they take place in, but the item variety and mission variety is also good enough that even when you're technically somewhere that you've rolled in before, it doesn't feel like it (This is a problem that SUPER plagues the PSP game, but the 360 game to a lesser extent (which is the biggest shame, because the on-disc DLC really neuters that game's content level :/ )).

Verdict: Highly recommended. If you're gonna play just one Katamari game of the original ones, play We Love Katamari. It has fantastic level variety and mechanics, and is really one of the best presentations you can experience the game's admittedly repetitive gameplay.

Joguei porque nunca tinha jogado, e sempre que via algo sobre sempre me dava uma vibe boa, então resolvi jogar.
Foi uma das melhores experiências com jogos de ps2 que eu tive nesse console. Não tem muitos jogos que tem a mesma vibe que Katamari, seja universo, história e músicas. Existem jogos como Pikuniku e lovely planet, por exemplo que me passam esse tipo de vibe, mas não é a mesma coisa.
No começo os controles do jogo são muito confusos e estranhos, porque ele simula pro jogador como se ele estivesse empurrando junto com o personagem principal, isso ajuda muito na experiência, e o que dificulta também, mas depois que acostuma é uma belezura.
Se tornou um dos meus jogos favoritos do ps2, pelas músicas, pelo gráfico e pela experiência que o jogo passa.

An all but perfect console generation defining game. It feels like an ample celebration of Katamari's success, with the amount of tweaks and level variety being used to accelerate the game to incredible quality, but also as a declaration to fans as if to say "We're honored you love Katamari, and here's more, but mostly because we're having fun."

If you love Katamari, I genuinely believe it to be the crown jewel of the franchise, but even if you've been hesitant to try it, this particular entry is the game that may convince you of the series' charm.

Peak Katamari, last game in the series that Keita Takahashi worked on. I refuse to play the other games in the series that he didn't work on.

Katamari Damacy but cranked up to 11. Better in every way, especially in level variety

This review contains spoilers

i only really played this one recently while damacy was my childhood katamari game, and i think we<3 is a pretty good sequel for a game that did not need one. the whole thing about the plot being about the game being a sequel is pretty funny by itself

it does expand a little bit on the lore but it keeps it simple, which fits. the mechanics are explored a lot better than damacy, felt like the idea was to exhaust the possibilities of what you can do with a katamari and it's really fun

the soundtrack continues being great, this one and damacy's work really well together. makes sense that both of them have become the two classic katamari soundtracks (shame that ppl don't talk about the vita one though)

the only grip i have with this game is that it does not feel like a. game? it feels like an extra pack of new levels. rolling the sun doesn't really feel satisfying. having to practice the credits in order to watch them feels weird. i never really felt like i finished this game, only that at some point i played all the levels that were available and i was done with it. i wish it was different ig!

this game is beautiful
the music, atmosphere, gameplay
love it

This was a blessing that entered my life. Amazing soundtrack and the game is pretty fun too.

Katamari Damacy has now become a part of the katamari

a great sequel with an amazing idea of having the levels be fan requests, i love the music and i love katamari!

I actually might prefer the first game in some areas but at the end of the day We Love Katamari is just a ton of fun levels one after the other. There's more variety in terms of the objectives and there are different environments, compared to the first game where the levels feel more like progressions of each other rather than being separate things. I think the best kinds of sequels manage to be supplementary to each other while still clearly being in the same vein.

Yet another comfort game. I can’t be in a bad mood when I play it. It’s a near perfect sequel. Almost every issue with the original is ironed out. The main thing is that it’s more varied, but it’s also got better level design, is more stylish in its presentation, has better writing, a better soundtrack (I would argue it’s better, at least). Has one of my favourite manuals too. I’ll cherish this game forever.

they should make katamari damacy real

improves on tons of gameplay stuff from the original and also has this hilarious element of metafiction going on with the story. namco literally told takahashi they would make a sequel with or without him so he made the whole concept of the game doing fan service (which is essentially what the game is in itself—unnecessary fan service). if you mess up fans will literally say "man katamari damacy is overrated tbh, mid game" and it's so funny. it's kinda subversive for critiquing namco making a franchise out of a one-off fun game that happened to get popular and i love it

If nothing else play it for "Katamari on the Swing."

Katamari Damacy was one of the pinnacles of the PS2-era of gaming, a time where technological advancements had finally made ambitious and novel game concepts possible without too many restraints, but also when the cost of development hadn’t risen so much that big game studios still greenlit such projects. But even this period of gaming wasn’t a bastion freed from the yokes of capitalism. Creatives still needed to grease and gaslight executives into greenlighting such creative projects, and if that project became a meteoric success, said studio execs wanted to milk the shit out of that success until all the magic had evaporated. Such was the fate that Keita Takahashi, lead designer of the Damacy games, found himself in.

We Love Katamari is a blatant and self-aware reaction on the roll-away success of Katamari Damacy. Taking place after the first game, instead of reacting with abject horror at the rolling-up of Earth by the King of All Cosmos, mankind has now become fans of the King and ask him for random katamari favours. The King, bored by the prospect of the job but not immune to even the most superficial praise, sends his son and cousins to do the fanservice for him.

It is a satirical frame to what is basically the same gameplay as the previous game. You roll your ball via manipulating both control sticks independently, adhesing small objects to your ball in order to grow it so it can stick to even larger objects. Katamari Damacy used a very logical progression of scale: with every level, you would start with increasingly larger balls until at the final level, you would roll up the entire world. We Love Katamari trades this progression for variety; next to the standard missions akin to the previous games, you are also asked to roll up different types of items like fireflies or snow or tyres, in order to satiate the fans.

And the fans will never be satisfied. Even if you roll up a mission with a high score, you will be chastised by them for not living up to the impossible expectations that they have cooked up in their dreams. It makes them downright more dismissive than even the King, contender for Worst Father in Video Games.

This frame, which would be downright cynical if not for the same absurdist vibe as the previous game, puts you in the shoes of the creator. You feel like, in a way, you’ve been there before.. Even if it’s “”””objectively”””” a better game with more varied missions, a higher difficulty and even more swag for your player characters, this game can’t quite capture the same glee and surprise as the original game because it’s obviously not an original game. It is still a great game, don’t get me wrong, but We Love Katamari also wants you to move on and find joy in the unexpected, rather than the tried and true.

Son of a bitch, they did it again.

Una mejora increíble del primer juego, variedad de misiones, banda sonora exquicita, diversión pura ufff!