Reviews from

in the past

É um bom Visual novel, que apesar de quase 30 anos de existência, o visual continua incrível, uma história boa que vale a pena ser jogada, mas só da pra jogar com guia, se jogar na cara e coragem, vai refazer muita run e peder um bom tempo

This shit so peak, the only somewhat issue I have is I feel like the epilogue wasn't nearly long enough and feels a little rushed (it was already like 7 hours) but otherwise adored it.

I wish Mio and Sayless were real

This game has always intrigued me. I've heard about it's influence on the visual novel genre a lot, so curiosity got the best of me and I sat down, got an emulator, and checked out what made this thing so influential. At an outsider's glance, it seems like this sex fueled journey with no real point to anything, but after having played it I realize that to be wrong. While there is sex stuff (it's what holds this back from being a full 5 stars, same with the forced use of guide to play this), it is mainly a story about time travel, parallel worlds, and what it means to fight for someone. I was hooked soon after I began, and as the mystery got deeper and deeper, and more answers were being given, I found myself eagerly anticipating every playthrough of this game. I went into this as blind as possible and I'm so happy I did. The emotions I've felt with this game are unrivaled and I have not been this hooked on a game in a long, long time. This is for me a must play of the visual novel genre, and something that I don't think I will ever forget. Thank you Yu-No, for being such a stellar game...

using the power of parallel timelines to fuck my stepmom. music provided by stevie wonder trapped on a ym2608

played on neko project 21 as my first pc-98 game and its fun the story gets pretty interesting
i only did the first like main path, but im gonna keep going for the rest. the humour in the dialogue options is fun and i didnt expect it to be so fleshed out