Reviews from

in the past

the puzzles and saving system were a bit tedious but I loved. this game. the artstyle and soundtrack scratched my brain soooo good, brian is my king forever and always.

An interesting story about the survival of an office worker in a really scary office that kills. Quite touching and in some places terribly exciting.

Интересная история про выживание офисного работника в реально страшном офисе, который убивает. Довольно трогательно и в некоторых местах страшно увлекательно.

The definitive BlackRock internship experience

Dios, me gustó mucho mas de lo que pense. Nunca fui fan de este tipo de juegos, pero este de verdad que me cautivó de inicio a fin. Incluso aunque podria ser mejor (boton de skip, movimiento lento, podria incluir VAs aunque esto ya es personal) Es un juegazo y Brian y Kate son los goats.

Pd: pinche barley en lo que me metiste

Que jogo lindo! Uma das pixel art mais lindas que já vi. O jogo tem uma temática muito boa. O level design é muito bom, um ótimo survival horror.

é tipo o terror de virar CLT. consegue ser divertido e bem assustador ao mesmo tempo

You have been hired at Sintra Corp for one specific job. Kill the witch that resides in these offices.

With that vague job description you are thrust into the world of Yuppie Psycho, traveling between different office floors and avoiding the witch's monstrous creations all in the effort to kill her, and free the office from her curse. This game reminds me heavily of old RPG maker horror games, with a touch of more 3d survival horror games such as the resident evil series. While a walkthrough was helpful at times to avoid hitting dead ends, that is nothing new for the genre of survival/puzzle horror. Overall, it was a very enjoyable game with comedic and horrific moments alike that made you really feel like you were exploring the different floors and slowly tracking down the witch.

A great game that can start exciting and mysterious and keep up the pace with every minute. A game full of humor, horror and excitement. Excellent.

In a day and age where every turn-based game with comedic elements of some kind is labeled as "inspired by Earthbound," it's ironic that one of the few indie games to actually give me Earthbound vibes isn't even an RPG at all. The Mother series's reframing of JRPG tropes through contemporary American towns is succeeded in Yuppie Psycho with survival horror and a gigantic, labyrinthine office building- you save your game by making a photocopy of your face, brew coffee for health instead of combining herbs, and scavenge for these limited supplies by searching through desks and filing cabinets. The survival horror elements, though, aren't exactly a highlight, as it's often more funny than unnerving, and it focuses on experimentation and pure exploration rather than making getting from point A to point B as draining as possible. I'd instead summarize it as a game where the fun comes from accessing new areas and seeing weird things happen all around you. Most of it is downright dumb, a lot of it is cool, but all of it is entertaining. Where else can you trade slices of cheese for printer paper with the creepy guy upstairs, talk to your sexy coworker who literally can't speak in anything besides innuendo, or realize that your guiding partner character has completely bailed on you after an hour? But again, like Earthbound, Yuppie Psycho acknowledges that the humor should stem less from wackiness and more from how people react to said wackiness. The game's story revolves around tracking down an actual, literal, broom-riding, cauldron-stirring witch who's supposedly corrupting the corporation you were hired by from the inside, but the crushing stupidity of this premise is downplayed by the player character, who is instead more concerned about concealing the fact that he's a witch hunter from the people he works with. The end result is a genuinely refreshing experience compared to the current landscape of indie game writing, which is paired with a surprisingly deep pool of secrets and optional content that never diminishes in quality from the rest of the game's sense of pure creativity. Unfortunately, however, by the end of the game it becomes clear that this stuff is there to set up the good endings, which require doing really specific actions at specific points, a design pattern that's, as a general rule, not my cup of coffee. But this inclusion doesn't revoke Yuppie Psycho's status in my mind as a bona fide hidden gem.

Lo típico: tu primer día de curro y te toca matar a la bruja que habita en la oficina. Mezcla terror y humor como no había visto nunca en un videojuego.

Not my kind of game, but very original mechanics and lore.

Ya conocía a la compañía que estaba detrás de Yuppie Psycho gracias a Cond Lucanor, pero sinceramente no era un juego que me llamase así que nunca lo probé, pero con Yuppie Psycho fue diferente y desde un principio sí me había llamado la atencion.

Qué me pareció? Fácilmente una de las mejores experiencias que he tenido, tanto gráficamente con un pixelart simple pero llamativo, la ambientación y su ost que es brutal que te hace sentir que no tienes ni puta idea de que esta pasando y una historia que no teme meter temas oscuros.

Los que me conocen saben que amo el genero "Denpa" en las Visual Novels y creo que Yuppie Psycho es el único juego como tal que lo consideraría dentro del género Denpa y lo hace bien, ya que no tienes ni idea de que es real, que es falso, vemos como el protagonista lejos de ser perfecto, siempre teme y solo quiere salir de ese infierno.

Ótimo jogo!!!!! A história e gameplay são um tanto quanto caóticas, mas acredito que seja parte do charme do jogo. Além disso, a arte é incrivelmente muito linda. Jogão!

Eu te odeio, eu te odeio boss da tv, espero que você queime no fogo do inferno

Es un gran juego que mezcla el gore con los puzzles, el misterio y el humor. Todo genial en este juego excepto algún puzzle bastante obtuso y sobre todo una cosa. El sistema de guardado. Yo entiendo que los desarrolladores han querido darle ese tono de supervivencia limitando mucho el guardar, pero cuándo tengo que repetir secciones enteras con conversaciones por 4ª vez, todo el mundo empieza a caerme gordo. Personalmente no aguanto que me hagan perder el tiempo, y si no se lo perdono a los souls, no se lo puedo perdonar a este por mucho que resuene conmigo. Me ha gustado, pero aviso por si hay otro como yo que entres sabiendo que durante un 10% del juego te vas a cabrear a base de bien.

am i going crazy? or is everyone just going to ignore all the fcked up shit going on in this office space?

-a summary of what it feels like to work in a corporate office space
- i got to maybe one of the very last levels + took a break but never got back into it
- very good pixel art + pretty decent RPG

Pretty comfy and cute and spooky adventure. The setting's dope and the environment casually delivers several shades of absurd recreations of this perfectly average workplace.

It never got too tedious for me

Sin duda el mejor Indie Horror RPG. Súper divertido, intrigante y bonito.

finished long time ago, so i can't remember but i'll add it

increible idea, puzzles tend to be kinda trial and error?? im huge into survival horrors but this one wasnt my cup of tea

uns dos meus jogos "simples" favorito

I'd argue this is one of the best horror games in the industry, indie or not. I'd argue this is one of my favorite indie games in general, if not the most. Great game lol. Horror mixed with modern corporate culture, with resident evil style gameplay without the combat + occasional soft stealth. (so you'll be backtracking to old areas with key items to get into other locations you couldn't before, etc etc, while avoiding horrific creatures)

Can't recommend this game enough.

i accidentally got the secret ending first

This is in the top 5 of survival horrors. Must play

Stayed up until the wee hours of the morning several nights playing this game during lockdown. It's a fantastic blend of bizarre, mysterious, and terrifying that I've never experienced in a game before. I love the graphics style, the many well-hidden secrets, the varied endings, and the level of curiosity the game inspires. I even bought a physical copy of the special edition Switch version as a gift for my partner, who watched me during my original playthrough. 5 stars for Yuppie Psycho!