2 reviews liked by 1969

i watched my dad play this. it gave me terrifying nightmares and he didn't play it again.

Need for Speed Retrospective #18

At this stage, EA was desperately throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. And to be honest, The Run was such a breath of fresh air, I'm quite sad it didn't stick.

The story about a bland white guy and a large-chested redhead sidekick somehow playing the Mafia by participating in a transcontinental race was obviously nonsensical, but serviceable enough to sell the constant feeling of being on The Run. With the thundering music, the camera eerily close behind the car, police sirens approaching from behind and full-blown avalanches rolling in from the front, The Run was an action-packed blast from start to finish. I don't trust anyone who says they weren't excited playing this.

The Run sure is a slim package. It's short, there's zero customization and all cars are basically the same, but that's not the point. They set out to create a cinematic experience and for me, they nailed it. I just wish the game had been a little more successful. Imagine what could have been. We could have gotten a dozen Fast and Furious level bonkers cinematic driving games in this series.