226 Reviews liked by 3xtreme_Belgian

they sure don't make them like this anymore

this was beyond what i expected, jesus fucking christ. video games were invented and killed by this game.

please cancel the remake you still have time



WOW! You can feel the passion and emotional weight poured into this game for every minute of playtime. I love the puzzles, I love the game logic, I love the combat, and I love the characters! To me this deserves the ports that shadow the colossus has gotten, not to disparage that game, but this game has an incredible soul in it that you can still feel. I'm still not entirely sure why shadow of the colossus is labelled a "spiritual successor" to this game. It can make sense in terms of gameplay with the ledge hanging, jumping, and acrobatics you can make your little boy do, but to me the AI companion role is not filled in by Agro. I like that there are no collectibles in Ico. I don't think this game would have been as good with the modern sensibilities that many games have now. This game is so focused, brilliant, and enlightening that I need another dose of it.



I can see why this is considered one of the quintessential ps2 era games. It was a special experience that really sticks out amongst a lot of other games of its time. The story is quite vague, but I loved it regardless.

Jesus this might be the scariest game I've ever played in my whole life, I might prefer 2 a bit more but man this comes close

I sucked complete ass at it but I loved it either way!

10/10 (Masterpiece)

For the longest time I would consider Mario Kart Wii to be my favorite game of all time. It was the game that got me to play games more from 2017-2020. It was the game I always played… I always loved it and I still do.

But I think I have a new favorite game now.

Criminally underrated, had really good combat and one of the most unique mechanics in any game (rewinding time)

I don’t know why it took me so long to play 3. It’s really good. The controls can be a little clunky but the pacing is perfect. I love the more open jungle areas way more than shadow Moses or big shell. And the updated camera and items make much more sense for what the series always wanted to be. Big boss also has more personality than solid snake. Overall just a great experience. Might be my top 1 or 2 MGS games.


Some of the prequel levels and the Endor parts of ROTJ are kinda lame but still kino af

play this to pretend there is no sequel trilogy