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Time Played


Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

February 4, 2024

First played

August 31, 2023

Platforms Played


The more these games improved in their combat and platforming, the weaker their stories became. Not that Two Thrones' story is bad, but it's a noticable downgrade and you can absolutely tell what kind of production hell it went through. The prince and Farah don't have the charisma that they used to, the vizier is incredibly underused as a villain, and having Kaileena narrate the story over the prince himself kind of disgusts me, considering how nice it was to see Yuri Lowenthal return after his shocking absence in Warrior Within. But I'll be damned if this isn't the single greatest platforming I've ever witnessed in a game! The jumping off ledges, sliding down walls and swinging off branches that defines this series has never been more acrobatic and non-stop fun as it is here, and I could play it all day for that reason alone.

If there was a way to somehow combine all these games' strengths into one, then we'd have quite possibly the greatest game to ever seize this industry. Yes, that quote is blatantly stolen from Yahtzee Croshaw, but it's true.