It isn't often when you come across a piece of media as life-changing as Silent Hill 2. While definitely not perfect in its gameplay mechanics, it's one of the most brilliantly written and intuitive character studies in the history of fiction, with the game element used to immerse you into the strangeness of the little messed-up town and its dark and gritty atmosphere. While horror games of today's standards seem to be obsessed with throwing in jump scares with hideously animalistic monsters, SH2 is able to scare the audience through the way it messes with your sanity by the sheer amount of mental abuse it gives to its main character. It's a fascinating journey of despare, perversion and sadness that wraps up its story in a way that makes sense to the player depending on how well they can connect to James and the secrets behind his twisted mind.

A game fanatic that still hasn't played Silent Hill 2 is like a film fanatic that still hasn't watched Citizen Kane or The Godfather.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2022


2 years ago

hoping bluepoint gets to do their thing and remake this soon

2 years ago

godfather is boring btw bad comparison
bro has the audacity to comment about something meaningless without even liking the review 😭😭
The Godfather being boring is a matter of opinion

2 years ago

mario is the godfather of gamers
idk, I'd compare Mario more to Trip to the Moon