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my most favorite ace attorney game from the whole series
i love the way this game was written out and i love the story and characters. i don’t love villans to often, but kristoph was such an interesting character to me and is still one of my faves from that game. if theres one thing i do wish however, is that the game gave a deeper backstory behind klavier and kristoph. yea theres some information given, but not a ton to build off from. i think it would have been interesting for them to have a deeper story and even tell more about the relationship between not only those two, but between kristoph and phoenix as well.

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i love everything about this game… compared to the first one, there is a TON of things to do and i love the school aspect of it and the investigations throughout different clubs n such… i do wish there were more side cases though but the extra stuff (like the school stories) makes up for it.
not only that but the relationship between yagami and kuwana with the concept of “two sides of the same coin” is so interesting to me as well in the way of them both having completely different perspectives on justice and how it should be displayed…
tbh im really hoping another judgment game comes out but who knows if it’ll ever happen💔💔💔

as a lover of detectives and the yakuza series itself, this spinoff was right up my alley,, being introduced to yagami and having to go back into his past to find the truth of the present was very interesting and felt like something new with new mechanics that have never been seen throughout the yakuza series. this game takes a dive within yagami’s character and i enjoyed every bit of it.

it was great,, i cried💔 amazing story😢‼️

tbh i wish there was more to this dlc😭 it felt like it ended too soon💔

on my knees begging for nintendo to put this on the switch,,,

this was shorter than i expected!! but honestly i really enjoyed playing it!!! i love the jill and carlos duo and playing as both of em was fun af🔥🔥
it didn’t feel as scary though like re2 since nemesis was a constant recurring enemy and almost felt predictable for when he would appear but i found it cool how nemesis evolved through the game.