I mean I’m in the top 0.1% in Perception so this “game” is worth something

edit: now precision as well

oh and yeah, young me spent money on this

Played a lot of this game with my friend in quarantine, even before that.

Playing this shit in school was pretty fun

I mean… it’s honestly just fine. Not very good but it’s not THAT bad. Fuck Gacha games though.

Shelved because my current computer can’t run at a good and consistent framerate but what I played was fun, nothing else to say.

Silent Hill HD Collection 2: Electric Boogaloo

This was a pretty good season, between the new character, map rotation and other things. The first Apex hooked me in a while.

yup… it do be a supercell game doe


btw imagine being a AAA company who makes a game only for it to die within 5 yoctoseconds of it being out.

Would genuinely be 9/10 if the SBMM in this game wasn’t as bad as it was.

The SBMM in this game is worse than fucking Warzone’s. At least in Warzone I can do badly in a match and proceed to get 5 kills the next one. Apex’s SBMM makes me feel way worse at the game than I actually am. I was performing well until I got a win, now I’m being pitted up against the champion squad with “TTV_Wraith”, with 20K kills, 794 wins and 547K damage done. It’s almost as if Respawn implemented a rigging system. This game also killed Titanfall 3. Those 2 things are the only things that prevent me from giving this game 10/10. But fun.

I am dogwater at chess and this is a scam but chess itself has been around for hundreds of years so 5 stars

So, my original review of LoL said “how do I recover from the effects of a match of this shit can anyone help”. Those are my basic thoughts on this game. This is my full review.

This game is godawful through and through, but not completely godawful with nothing going for it. There are some positives. By saying there are some positives, I mean there is only one. The art is great. The character designs are completely unique, even if a lot of their concepts are taken from DOTA, the UI design is solid and the aesthetics are decent. I genuinely feel sorry for the artists who wasted their great art on a shit game like this. ARAM is cool too I guess. That’s it. Now in negatives, HOO BOY.

First we are going to be talking about the gameplay. The fucking gameplay in this game is the most newcomer unfriendly out of anything. It also takes a lot of elements from Defense of the Ancients (DOTA), including the fucking map. I have played the tutorials. I have played against bots easily. But none of that prepared me for a single PVP match. There are tons of things the tutorial doesn’t tell you. For example, you get XP from minions, even if you aren’t the one who killed them. And much, much more. Because the game doesn’t tell you these things, you get flamed by your teammates left right and center for being new to the game, getting called f-slurs, n-words, slurs you don’t even know exist right now. Now sure, you can mute your teammates, but this game is based around teamwork so you have to be communicative. Speaking of…

Hoo fucking boy, in no other game would I talk about the community when criticising a game. R6 has a pretty toxic community and I gave that game 8/10. Overwatch has a much more toxic community than R6, but I gave that game 6/10 for the balancing alone. You get the idea. If I were to describe the LoL community, it would be “you take the worst parts of the r6, cs:go, overwatch and dota communities and shove them together into one toxic community and amplify the toxicity by 1 billion. Like I said in the “The Gameplay” section, you get flamed by your teammates and get called every slur imaginable, get told to get cancer, and told to be reported. You can get 3 pentas and no one would say anything, but you can get hit and get told to be reported and get cancer. That alone is enough to warrant a 1/10. How the fuck are Reddit gamers not taking out all their frustration on LOL players but rather Fortnite players who did nothing to them. But alas, we’re not done yet.


People say the microtransactions in Valorant are bad, which I agree with, but the microtransactions in this game are just as bad, if not worse. You literally only start with 11 out of 157 (as of the time of writing) champions. You either have to grind or pay actual money for them. Do I need to explain why this is bad? Now sure, I gave R6 a fairly high rating and you only start with the Recruit, but fookin hell, they took the base game off the PS Store and reduced the price of the Deluxe Edition for a reason. They are also locking achievements for certain champions (Eternals) behind a paywall. That alone is enough to say “fuck this game”. But wait, there’s more.


Ok, so the lore does sound pretty interesting on paper, but they’re generic when you really think about it. I actually spent time researching the lore in this game for this section. Vex’s backstory is just “character can’t fit in” cliche. Mordekaiser’s backstory is just the typical “character can’t be killed” backstory. Didn’t even bother with a lot of the other parts of lore because of how bored I was reading it. But yeah, you get the point, LOLore is lame. But one thing I will admit is that it is pretty cool when another champion is bought up in a champion’s backstory. Makes for some pretty interesting interactions.


You get the whole point of this review. League is a terrible game that suffers from a lot of bad things. The gameplay is boring and unfriendly to newcomers, also the map and a lot of other things rip off DOTA. The community is so bad that I actually had to factor it into my rating. The microtransactions are awful. The lore is boring. There are a few other minor things I’d like to say here, including leavers penalties. You could get flamed to the point of depression multiple times but you can’t leave a match without getting penalized. But I don’t care, because fuck this fucking game and the people on it. Touch grass you fuckers. How is this game getting a Netflix series when there are multiplayer games with a much more interesting world like Apex Legends (which, in return is set in the Titanfall universe), R6 Siege (that one trailer made me bring it up here) and even its competitor DOTA.

Fuck this game, 1/10, worst online only multiplayer game.

Min Min: Hot take, but ARMS needed some representation in Smash. Nintendo was trying something new, and it worked fairly well. The arm mechanic is also solid. 7/10.

Steve: Minecraft in Smash, need I say more? The reverse Byleth, where they're a great addition but I only wish the character was fun to play. 8/10.

Sephiroth: For the longest time I had him as my main, Final Fantasy needed more representation, so yeah, kino. 10/10.

Pythra: Never played a Xenoblade game but this is a pretty cool addition, only wish they weren't so fucking op. 8/10.

Kazuya: Tekken needed a Smash rep, and this is a great choice. His moveset is big and he feels good to play. 8/10.

Sora: A character I doubted for a long time. When that Mickey Mouse keychain and that key showed up, I freaked the fuck out. But yeah, character is fun as hell to play and has a great stage. 10/10.