Game journalists don't compare Atlus game to to Persona 5 for 3 nanoseconds (IMPOSSIBLE) (YOU WON'T LAST 5 YOCTOSECONDS)

This game did Among Us 11 years prior to Among Us.

List of movies the credits of Mighty No. 9 are longer than.

(clears throat)
Parasite, every Star Wars movie, every Batman movie, The Shining, Se7en, Taxi Driver, The Lion King, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Inception, Memento, Get Out, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Django Unchained, Jurassic Park, Roma, Judas and the Black Messiah, The Lighthouse, Klaus, Nightcrawler, Knives Out, Marriage Story, every Pixar movie, Lady Bird, Beauty and the Beast, The Social Network, every MCU movie, The Irishman, Aladdin, Inside Out, Shrek, every Godfather movie, every Back to the Future movie, The Emoji Movie, Foodfight, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Uncut Gems, every DCEU movie excluding the Snyder Cut, the entire Sam Raimi trilogy, every video game movie. And that's not even half of them.

Did take a bit of this from Emanuel Cool's review of The Lego Movie, he's on Letterboxd, shoutout to him.

(Also I marked this game as abandoned because I'll never play this game.)

This review was written before the game released

I hacked into Nintendo, and their ninjas found me and are ready to execute me. But before I die, this game is a prequel to SMT IV.

Silent Hill HD Collection 2: Electric Boogaloo

this happened to my buddy eric

Haven't even played it but fuck you. I have considered suicide, and the fact this game gives you a trophy/achievement for killing yourself is worthy of half a star (thanks UltralightDream), no matter how good the game is.

haven’t played but 5 stars for the title alone

It’s called Battlefield 1 and it’s not the first battlefield game. WTF

This review was written before the game released

The people who hate the game over not having 900+ Pokemon genuinely make me want to give this game a higher score.

Japan is cool I wish it was real

Basically "The Room" but as a Mario game.