how do i recover from the effects of playing a match of this shit can anyone help

EDIT: adding an extra half star because of how they roasted PETA

Japan is cool I wish it was real

what an original idea, a wwii shooter

If this is the definitive edition of PUBG then it’s the worst BR.

Abandoned and will play Reload


In short (because I need to write a review and will change when I finish my review): Takes OG P5 and makes it better. While not as good as P4G, has the best combat in the series and all the new shit they added makes the game better.

idk man it’s fun but just isn’t my thing

why do I have such a bad fucking habit of dropping sonic games except for forces which is a 2/10 game

Out of all the 15 sextillion generic FPSes out there…

why this one?

First Impressions (didn’t pay for it my brother is a fan of this series so him buying it was an inevitablity)


Literally nothing special. Nothing to it. Story’s meh, gameplay is nothing special, but reload animations are solid.

Also wtf the sound design on PS5 is so bad, there was literally no audio from characters for the first few cutscenes and the slide audio sounds compressed

breathes in Hoo boy, looks like the second wave of Dread Warfare is coming.

Fortnite… sure is a video game alright.

This is a game I have had a massive love hate relationship with. Howevet, I want to go over my history with it.

I first heard about it when it became popular and I couldn’t escape it. Back then, I got so annoyed with it that I hated it despite not playing it.

It was one day in 2019 I was playing a battle royale on Roblox and was having fun. My immediate thought was “maybe I’ll enjoy Fortnite”, so that’s what I did. Tomorrow was a public holiday so that gave me the perfect opportunity to play it.

And that day, I played the game like I was on crack. I was sucking, but still had tons of fun sucking. I could not place my finger on what made the game so fun. That summer, I was obsessed with Fortnite. I loved a lot about it; the gunplay, building mechanic, graphics, I really liked it. The game was especially fun with friends. However, at that time I heard of another battle royale called Apex Legends. However, since I only had a Mac, I couldn’t play it. Tried dual booting but couldn’t. This made me more excited to come home. I came home, dual booted my Mac at home, and installed Apex Legends. Then I quickly grew an addiction to that game. I couldn’t play with friends but it was still very very fun. Eventually, Fortnite Chapter 2 started, and I said “why the hell not?”, so I began playing, and I discovered something.

The game was way too easy now. I was killing people left right and center, but somehow never got a win. That’s when I quit.

However, in August 2020, a friend of mine convinced me to get back in because I was a fan of Marvel at the time, and the current season was Marvel themed. I downloaded the game on the Windows dualboot, started playing and I said “hey, this was actually fun”. Still easy, yes, but still fun. I genuinely liked it more than Apex at the time because I could play it with friends. It was so much fun, and I could not get enough of it. I then escaped Fortnite via Jedi Fallen Order, as well as Among Us, and got my way out of the addiction, but then suddenly, I felt a sudden urge to start playing again, so I ended up doing that, and was having moderate amounts of fun. I was able to balance normal life with Fortnite well. Season 7 Chapter 2 started and I played it quite a bit. But then, at the end of that season, the game didn’t feel fun anymore. It felt more like a chore, even with friends. So I quit.

But enough blabbering about my story, you came for me to talk about my love hate relationship with the game. There’s a lot to love, but also a lot to hate. The map, style, and graphics are all great. I also love how every season has its own theme. Season 9 was futuristic, Season 4 Chapter 2 was superhero themed, Chapter 2 Season 7 was alien themed… you get the idea. The gameplay is also pretty fun when not looked at too closely.

But when you look at the gameplay from closer, it’s worse. The meta is so horrifically unbalanced it’s unreal. It’s not even a matter of skill, moreso whoever has the rarer gun is always gonna win, which gets a bit annoying. I also hate how greedy the devs are, with the App Store thing that happened last year. Overall, it’s fine but I’m good at it so I have to give it 6/10 at the minimum.