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1 day

Last played

August 13, 2021

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This is probably the most conflicted I’ve been on a game in my entire life. On one hand, this game delivers one of the best journeys in gaming and is the blueprint to one of my favorite games of all times. On the other hand, this game is extremely inconsistent and features possibly the worst rendition of turn-based combat.

The story is definitely the best part of this game. This story has Avalanche, aka the best cast in gaming, go on an epic adventure to stop Sephiroth and save the planet. Unfortunately, post midgar to Aerith’s death felt like a fever dream in this game. The middle of the story felt like cyberpunk in the sense that things were so loosely connected. You had to connect the dots to figure out a lot of things. The game has you travel to random places and talk to random people during this period until you eventually get to Aerith’s death. The story starts to pickup after this point and truly becomes what it's hyped up to be. Finally defeating Sephiroth was extremely satisfying and the payoff was great. Overall the story is what I’d classify as amazing despite it being weak in the middle. Also, this game easily has the best world building I’ve ever seen in gaming.

The gameplay is where things take a turn for the worse. This game features a strange version of turn-based combat that didn’t jibe well with me at all. It gets the job done, and I certainly can’t call it bad, but it sure isn’t anywhere near good. The gameplay is also pretty lackluster. The most enjoyable aspect of it is when I was driving a vehicle or snowboarding. The open world the game has you traverse in is great. Considering the games age, its extremely impressive, and like many aspects of this game, it still holds up great today.

Despite me vastly preferring gameplay over story, I can definitively say this game is great. It has the best cast in gaming, one of the best stories in games, amazing world building, etc. If you love FF7R half as much as me, please play this game.