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1 day ago

hazys commented on hazys's list Video game mysteries and urban legends
I have not, thanks I'll check it out

2 days ago

Cess007 completed Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
As a N64 kid, Turok was one of those games that I knew of, but never had the chance to play. I gotta say it was a better experience than I have anticipated.

Some of the design is super archaic, but it felt like a breath of fresh air nowadays. I found myself enjoying going around a level gunning down enemies and looking for keys.

Tho I gotta admit, getting some of the keys can be quite obtuse and the level design certainly is punishing and confusing on the later levels.

Still, after these many years, Turok is still an interesting experience and one worth playing through.

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago

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