This was one of the very first HD games I ever played. I was ready to be bedazzled by it after the absolute avalanche of attention and adulation it received upon release. Was that praise warranted? Eh.

The combat is essentially brainless, the number of differing enemy types is slim at best, and the game peaks with the reveal of its twist. It's all massively downhill after that, which is unfortunate as the game goes on for another laborious three hours. Suffice to say, I never got the acclaim for this one. There are some compelling ideas and story moments, and Rapture itself can be an intriguing place to trawl through (although it would've been a whole lot more interesting to explore back when it was a functioning society), but poor pacing and shallow gameplay holds it back for me. Also, I'm pretty sure this was the game that cemented my hate for audio logs.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023

1 Comment

11 months ago

hard agree on the audiologs. No matter how well-written they are, when you find one every 10 minutes it's such an immersion-breaking and dull way to provide lore. I actually wonder if there's a game that uses audiologs and journal entries in a sparse, lighter manner to make it, you know, less repetitive and more realistic.