This game feels like the culmination of everything wrong with mainline SMT, and instead of tackling the issues of the narrative design of SMT it just sidesteps it completely. It is a good game in spite of being an SMT game not because. Mainline SMT needs to learn to be more active, going hours without a single line of dialogue from the MC, companion, characters of the world is not good storytelling for a game focused on its story. When the game ignores mainline SMT's troupes it's phenomenal but when it's time to incorporate them into the story is falls flat

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2022


2 years ago

i HATE shin megami tensei. like this post if you agree.

2 years ago

This shit needs to evolve BADLY bruh

2 years ago

Your favorites and your pfp add a very concerning connotation to this post

2 years ago

I’m not really comparing mainline to persona tho, I’m stating that I have issues with how mainline handles it’s story. If you want me to compare them I could tell you how the first full moon boss in persona 3 has practically little to no down time in terms of character dialogue and motivation. Vs mainline SMT where you could go hours without seeing any of that, and this isn’t singling out SMT as “not being persona” a lot of my favorite games have this constant moving parts of the story. For example in infamous 2 all story is constantly moving throughout the same mission vs SMT4 where that’s the exception not the rule. And SMT3&5 are also the same when it comes to presenting their stories. I want mainline to do better

2 years ago

Not saying SMT4 is anywhere near as bad as SMT3&5 when it comes to presenting it’s story. I’m just saying that all the modern mainline entries (save apocalypse since idk anything about it) suffer from the same underlying issues that plague the series