I feel like I need to fix my review after all the shit this game is getting.

It's hard to properly rate The Coffin of Andy and Leyley without putting my own personal feelings into it. For example, I REALLY don’t like the incest direction the game is going for. But also, this whole game is also meant to be edgy as fuck with nearly no nuance to the subject material. It doesn't excuse the game for handling the topic. Any real cover of it would probably distract the noncaring aesthetic this game has in general

Which, I believe that The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is a very concise game that knows exactly what aesthetic it wants to take. The chemistry between Andrew and Ashley is awful, but also an interesting car crash that you can't avert your eyes from. I can say the same for the dialogue in this game. There are some funny parts from how absurdly blunt the characters can be, and it just works! At least to me.

From an RPG Maker standpoint, I think TCoAaL is very well made. The commentary from interacting with items is really damn fun. Direct interactions such as putting down candles and drawing a circle (don't ask) were a nice touch too. The two routes in this game are entertaining polar-opposites of each other which offer a LOT more replayability.

On the topic of this game being part of the creator's fetish... I can agree with that. I believe there's a reason why they state never to use any other form of social media. Also /v/ and the green site love this game for very obvious reasons. Though I guess The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is what someone would classify as VERY "anti-woke."

I can't even call it a guilty pleasure. I just think The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is a good game. Though if people want to give it 0.5 stars because of how poorly the serious topics are handled, then I can't objectively debate that either.

Ass. Everyone knows how bad this game is and I don’t need to explain the horribly written CSA. The game is full of glitches and the fetch quests are boring.

I just think it’s ironic how a game dedicated to killing pedophiles is made by one himself.

Noel the Mortal Fate is a game that I absolutely love but don’t rate highly as a game. Most characters are two dimensional and the characters who had lots of potential ultimately fell flat. Take the Italian/devil themes out of it and it’s still incredibly basic as a revenge story.

I’d recommend this game to people who haven’t seen as much battle anime about shounen or the power of friendship. It’s not likely, but I know fans who first saw NTMF and considered it the second coming of Christ. More power to them for enjoying it, really.

Weakest link in the Physical Exorcism series but has improved sprites which I really like. Considering the creator is a massive fan of JRPGs it’s not surprising that this is more of a JRPG than an RPG Maker game. The tonal shift in the series is less funny and more just awkward to digest.

I don’t have much to say about it. If you want to see the entertaining characters then watch it. Otherwise it’s fine to skip because Extra Case and Case 3 mention enough context for the viewer to understand without playing Case 2.

I will write a more detailed review but I have been a fan of RPG Maker Games for YEARS. The more recent ones have had a slight decrease in quality. However, I'd consider Cat in the Box to be the best RPG Maker Game of them all. This is not from an enjoyability state, rather how good of an RPG Maker it is. This game has phenomenal attention to detail, along with creative writing that doesn't obey typical RPG cliches. Play it.

i truly am enjoying the love of god

This game being mid won’t stop me from basing my review on being incredibly down bad for Jade.

Seriously, I absolutely love how much of a morally gray person she is here. I wish they kept her old hair while she was a college student but her 25-yo self works too. It requires future games to appreciate her more and I wouldn’t normally count that for the FIRST GAME. I have terrible taste in women.

everytime someone mischaracterizes noelle a person dies

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Ribelio is my 2nd favorite RPG maker game character of all time. So I hate Chapter 11 on a PERSONAL level because they took an extremely promising character and completely butchered any interesting traits he had. It is singlehandedly the most disappointed I have ever been at an RPG. I'm only giving it 2 stars because it's a nice-looking/high-quality RPG Maker Game.

Before S11, Spica had only been shown to be awful and horrible to Ribelio. She boasts to Caron about wanting to completely destroy Ribelio's will to live. She laughs in Ribelio's face and mocks his upsetness after he fails to stop the protagonists. She gives Ribelio a fake sense of control when really she's waiting for the perfect moment to completely ruin all his plans. For fucks sake, in Chapter 9 she literally tries to enslave another person that Ribelio was desperately trying to help. She does that by threatening to kill all their friends. She's pure evil from the actions depicted alone.

Chapter 9 starts out strong, with Ribelio questioning if he even has a right to be mad at Spica. His friend group was the one who attacked Spica with the intent to kill. Spica acted in self-defence and the death of Ribelio's friends was their fault. Even if Ribelio was blackmailed by Spica, he still decided to sacrifice himself in exchange for his FRIENDS BEING REVIVED. That is such a massive request for anyone to make. From an outside standpoint, Spica should absolutely not be abusing Ribelio. Ribelio himself would debate and go, "Hmmm, maybe it's okay. Maybe Spica is being nicer to me."

And they took that concept and made it real. When Ribelio's friends rightfully try to kill Spica and get their friend back, Ribelio is left unsure about everything and tries to justify Spica. Suddenly, everything in Chapter 11 tries to force it down your throat that Spica is actually being a lot nicer! Some random military guards say that Spica is actually very childish. Ribelio says that Spica is actually a lot nicer and more childish which NOBODY could infer from what's been seen of her. He even said that Spica is tolerable and just follows along with Ribelio's goals. Looking at what I just said above, he is completely wrong.

The best justification I could give for this from realistic writing is that Ribelio suffers from Stockholm syndrome from having to be with Spica every single day. In reality, I doubt Kawano was smart enough to even go that far. When Ribelio hears her tragic backstory about being sacrificed, he suddenly decides to hear her. Her backstory doesn't even have to anything do with Ribelio because he's UNRELATED TO A TRAGEDY 100 YEARS AGO. She's just so bitter that she's using Ribelio as target for abuse.

Spica is so angry at Ribelio finding out that she tries to get rid of them. Then when they fight again, Spica attempts to make Ribelio kill ALL OF HIS FRIENDS AGAINST HIS WILL. Then a couple hours later Ribelio finally overcomes Spica's control over him. So they fight, and then suddenly Ribelio and Spica's relationship is completely resolved.

It just sucks for Ribelio to just suddenly forgive his abuser and then unrealistically get over it. Ribelio consistently says "It's my choice" but that just sounds like his stockholm syndrome kicking in. Not even Ribelio's friends reject Spica joining the friend group. Even though Spica was the reason Ribelio was separated from his best friends in the first place. Their reactions are just "Woah!! We have another girl in the friend group, that's awesome!" ...and Ribelio's permanent immortality problem is never solved so he's destined to outlive his friends one day LOOOOL.

I also wanted to add that Ribelio is not a good person either. Not saying that he justifies being abused. But when Ribelio tortured Oscar for 30 days all that Noel says about it is "Well if you help us, then Oscar can forgive you for what happened!" And then it turns out that Oscar is peacefully working under Ribelio at the end of the story. The amount of unreasonable forgiveness these characters have is absolutely ridiculous.

Ribelio and Spica had so much potential at demonstrating a toxic relationship tackled CORRECTLY just for S11 to happen. Instead, it ends up being outrageously offensive and written in poor taste. Just watch Renfield. The movie did a much better job of portraying an abusive relationship between a benefactor and his master than Ribelio and Spica.

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Starting with the negatives: My number #1 issue with Dream of Gluttony is the abrupt ending. The ending is horrible not because it's tragic, but because it's anti-climactic and meant to serve as a cliffhanger. All that Sissi does is walk around in circles until the game suddenly takes you to the main ending. All that buildup with no conclusion is just disappointing for an otherwise fun game.

Otherwise, the setup of the story is unique for a cannibalism story. Having to play the story for the 2nd time is fine since the drastic change in settings are fun. You could say the characters are no longer "sugar-coated" into showing their best selves. Everything is just a delusional outcast of society, so they pretend to live in a world where they can exist without judgment.

I'd give this game an eight if not for the absolutely abysmal ending. I hope the sequel comes out eventually...

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Nya... Nyarlathotep,,, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Now I know where Jade got her fucked up personality from.