Don't let the hate for this game's over-exposure to the internet distract you from the fact that Deltarune is a fantastic game that deserves the positive attention it gets!


not a good game or story but entertainingly stupid enough to gather the attention of 14 year olds who e-date with matching kuro and aki profiles

in general i think the game is incredibly overrated for what it is. sorry to the many zeno fans i know

what the fuck.

There are some realistic details I appreciate (students playing dead) but otherwise this is just edgy surface level fluff. I can’t believe a game about school shootings can even be compared to generic fluff.

This story is absolutely fucking ridiculous and it's a solid 4.5/5 stars from enjoyability. Neun please put on some clothes.

I like this game but the story’s pacing is really fucking bad. The filler puzzles are unique and a nice way to take breaks from the sorry, but at the same time that just hurts the pacing further. I think there were parts of the writing that were really drawn out even if they were supposed to highlight a character’s insanity (cough Lime dialogue cough). If not for pacing being such a HUGE part of this game, I would’ve given Witch’s Heart a higher rating. The game in general is just very cute and creative.

Charlotte and Wilardo are peak characters though.

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A game about pro-life that unintentionally promotes abortion by showing how awful a fetus’s dream can be. The dream includes being brutally disemboweled, freezing to death, banging your adopted sister or eating your own mother. The ending also goes “no wait! life is good!” while the main protagonist forgets EVERYTHING that happened in their dream. Nothing in this game meant anything and even aborting the child has more in game significance.

The writing is either convoluted or extremely dumb. Bad endings exist for the sake of bad endings. You have:

1. Save your sister from falling to her death. Leads to a bad ending where you have multiple children with her.

2. Prevent Megi from killing everyone to save her child (The world instantly ends and everyone is explained to just magically die).

3. Not related to choices per say. But the expected ending of Route A involves Mikuri choosing to sacrifice herself on the pressure plate so the two children could leave the apocalypse base. It’s so pointless because Mikuri could have put something heavy on it. Her absence only led to the children dying out in the snow.

Characters have deviations because it’s a “different route.” Megi gets eaten as a HUMAN in one route and in the next route she’s a fucking ANDROID. It’s so confusing and the explanation why it happens is piss poor.

For the other stuff… The foreshadowing is also as subtle as a character screaming before attempting a surprise attack. The translation is also really bad. It just makes the writing look even worse. Just a very poor game, but still somewhat batter than Charon’s other games.

Demonica is the best part and it’s not because of her writing. If I had a nickel for everytime there was was a gay 4th wall breaker with purple hair then I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.

seodore riddle is in this game. it’s peak.

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Nomnomnami's games have aged poorly in nostalgia after it was revealed they groomed a minor as a 24-year-old. I tend to give stories with bad creators a pass as long as the creator's beliefs aren't woven into the story. (The Romance Detective series was a self-insert between Nami and the minor). In non-problematic stories like this, I think Nomnomnami is a fine writer. Almost all of the other LWT games are better than this one.

The Lonely Wolf Treat series is a straightforward and sweet story about a wolf named Treat trying to find shelter in a Bunny village. The bunnies are extremely racist to Treat and constantly tell her to leave the village. They call Treat a wolf in a derogatory manner and are implied to commit hate crimes against Treat in Nami's short comics. There isn't enough about the bunnies outside of being one-dimensional racists who want to protect their loved ones from wolves. At least until the next game, which actually adds a lot more layers to... the racists... Huh.

I understand that LWT is the first game of a polyamorous yuri love story. Mochi eventually arrives and makes this game easier to sit through. It's just too uncomfortable at the beginning, especially if you have no context about the racist bunnies' history beforehand. The discomfort is the whole point of LWT because racism is obviously a terrible thing. It's incredibly easy to feel bad for Treat and not think twice about the racists. Is this game supposed to be a demonstration of how bad racism is?

Just play this game if you want something that covers a complicated topic but is easy to understand if you have even a mediocre moral compass.

Pom Gets Wi-Fi is a product of it’s time that has aged HORRIBLY with the cringy references. It’s still a very cute game though. I wanted a Pomeranian because I loved Pom so much.

The discussion of Pom being annoying but also written to be unlikable is a very conflicting issue. Infamous cases like Alex YIIK are prime examples of giving too much screentime to the protagonist being an awful person. Most people don’t like watching the protagonist in a story that you’re supposed to root for. Waiting for a character to get better can pay off sometimes… just not in this game.

Everything else is aesthetic eye candy. The sprite art is adorable and the story is simple enough to follow along. There’s some angst every now and then but for the most part it’s a pretty tame story.

Honestly liked Pom more by seeing her as a walking reference talker, rather than a selfish dog who’s addicted to Tumblr. That Garry reference made me scream 5 years ago.

i learned to appreciate this game more after realizing how awful the anime was at adapting this game. there are so many gruesome yet endearing moments in the game that the anime forcibly rips out. boo

Came for the RPG Maker game. Stayed for the philosophical discussions about forced utopias and control freaks. It’s a nice game!


Let's get down to business!
And consume... the soy!
minecraft slurp noises

BRUSH! The Stacies off now!
Our Omoriboy!

All these women never treat me right! And they haven't got a clue!
Because I, am a Redditor too!

There’s nothing special about Physical Exorcism from a game play standpoint of an RPG Maker Game, even though it claims itself to be an “anti-RPG game.” Nobody plays story based RPG games for the gameplay though, it’s the fun that matters.

And damn is this series enjoyable. Episode 3 in particular.

The Physical Exorcism series is all about terrible people doing terrible things in the strangest ways possible. Almost everyone is morally bankrupt and 100% okay with trying the most outrageous shit possible. The most likable “terrible person” is a gay man who endorses all form of cannibalism. And yet it’s so entertaining to see how well everyone bounces off each other.

It’s honestly amazing at what humor can do to a game. Episode 3 tries to take itself seriously sometimes and fails, but it still ends up being an entertaining car crash that you can’t take your eyes off of. Even the ending of Episode 3 is fucking hilarious for how absurd and nonsensical it is. Thanks, Nya.

I 100% recommend checking out the game if you want some dumb fun. It’s very high on the enjoyability spectrum and I could recommend this to anybody. I haven’t been this excited for more chapters since Deltarune Chapter 2.

I was way too hard on this game when it came out. I had a hate streak for the game’s ending due to how cliche I once viewed it. The game has grown on me since then and I’ve learned to enjoy it more over time.

Aria’s story is a polished RPG Maker game that has a lot of effort put into it. The library setting trying to kill Aria is perfect thematically for spoiler reasons and I adore that touch. Despite that, I don’t have as much to say about this game. Just that you start to appreciate games more over time. And realize how important people can be before in your life before they leave.

…sorry, Aria’s Story.