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You know, I have not expected much from the game...
I have heard a lot of praise from all around the community going to this game but I have to say... I did not enjoy it.

I have played RDR1 way wayyy back in the day on my old jailbreak 360. I enjoyed it, the gun play was fun, the setting and the gameplay were innovative for the time, the things you expect from rockstar.

RDR 2 did not give me that same feeling, RDR2 starts, and continues being painfully slow, the story goes at a snail's pace, the characters for me were not memorable, the story was boring, traveling this barren South American wasteland was not interesting or intriguing.
Don't get me wrong, interesting stuff can happen occasionally, but they are so few and far in-between.
The gunplay though? A huge improvement over all of the old rockstar games, the guns although feeling light, do look like they pack a punch when you land a hit, ragdoll reacts realistically and it's really just art to get into a gunfight...
Sadly though that's the only praise I have for this game, most of the story I have found myself riding (walking) a horse while talking to characters I can't remember the names of to reach a location where I activate a cutscene to ride to a new location.

The game bored me, quickly, I did not finish it, and I decided it was a waste of space so I uninstalled it.

RDR2 frequently finds itself with the same issue GTA 5 had...
They can't decide whether or not this is an RPG. You have a honor system right? You have choices.
But the missions? Linear down to the point that if you don't stand on that exact objective marker you are not going to progress... Rockstar again could not choose if they wanted to make a cinematic driven game or an RPG with multiple choices or ways to play the game.
You can have it that way or the other, you cannot have it both ways. The game feels botched as a result.

Overall RDR2 was an experience, not a bad one, definitely not a good one. It was there for me and I played it. But everytime I ask myself if I should finish it I am being reminded of everything I wrote here.

A nice improvement over the original with the good ol' "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" treatment which I appreciate.
2018 Spiderman's combat and traversal was fun so insomniac just built on top of that with new mechanics for stealth and action combat and new mechanics for web swinging.

Although I felt that the game was short, not to say that the full price isn't worth it because it's worth it.
But I cannot excuse the fact that to this day, months later the game still has no NG+, a future that should have been released, and should be released in general the same month of release...

Overall a great game, and a great improvement over its predecessor... Can't wait for the DLC