Stray 2022

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Time Played


Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I really enjoyed this game, I love the locations where you are encouraged to just lay around and chill as a cat. as well as the little side missions, like getting sheet music.

Its not a long game story wise, but I think the length really works in the games favor. Its a nice game you can sit down and play on the weekend.

I enjoyed the characters and found myself emotionally attached to them.
To me the ending was bittersweet but probably the best ending the game could of had.

I came to realize after playing this game that I have not just sat down and ENJOYED a game in a good while. Without relying on a franchise or well known characters, I dont know if I have sat down and just loved a game as much as I loved this one.

I hope this game becomes a notable game in gamer's collections. one people remember fondly and decide to play again, just to have a good time and enjoy being a cat.