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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 2, 2024

Platforms Played


Within Cruelty Squad lies everything I want in the medium; unique vision, player trust and freedom, unobtrusive design, and risk. It's such a special game because what it offers cannot be found anywhere else, in any other media, or even any other game. It's a game that begs you to break it, to shape it into something that is yours while it surrounds you in the oppressive structure of a hyper-capitalist state. It is all built on such a precise illogic. It rides a line between "this is just cobbled together" and "this is absolutely brilliant game design." It's overwhelming at first but the longer you play, the more layers you peel back, and the better it gets.

Has any other game given you a tool with as many uses as the Grappendix? If I had any gripes about Cruelty Squad it's that there is no other tool more useful than the Grappendix and so I never even used any of the other arm equipment options.