My experience with Shin Megami Tensei: Nine was a mixed bag. Thanks to Alexander Hollins' translation and guide, I managed to make it halfway through the game. However, I eventually hit a roadblock due to the increasing difficulty, particularly during the two RTS games in chapters 4 and 5. While the combat mechanics themselves were manageable, these segments proved to be exceptionally challenging, leaving me unsure of how to proceed. Typically, when faced with such challenges, I would resort to grinding and leveling up, but this approach was rendered ineffective due to the absence of an XP system in the game. Consequently, I made the difficult decision to discontinue my playthrough.

Despite this setback, I must commend Shin Megami Tensei: Nine for its compelling storyline. The narrative was genuinely captivating, and it was this engaging plot that motivated me to push forward despite the language barrier. Had it not been for the intriguing story, I likely would not have persevered as diligently.

As a result of my incomplete playthrough, I find it difficult to assign a definitive grade to the game. While the story impressed me, the formidable difficulty spikes hindered my progress and enjoyment.

Pipi & Bibi's presents a good concept, but unfortunately, it falls short in its execution. Initially, the game appears to be enjoyable, building anticipation for a fun-filled experience. However, the game quickly reveals its significant flawβ€”its excessively high difficulty level. It becomes apparent that progressing through the game without the aid of features like retroarch's rewind or an abundant supply of coins on a real arcade machine is virtually impossible.

That being said, the use of such assistance mechanisms allows for the collection of all the H coins, leading to a sense of achievement and providing access to the game's adult content. This aspect adds a certain allure to the game, giving players an incentive to persevere through its challenges.

However, it is important to note that the emphasis on explicit imagery may not align with everyone's preferences or values. It is crucial to evaluate the game's content within the context of personal comfort and respect for diverse perspectives.

Overall, Pipi & Bibi's possesses a promising foundation that fails to deliver due to its steep difficulty curve. While the inclusion of adult content may attract a specific audience, it's essential to consider individual preferences and values before engaging with such aspects of the game.

Things about this game:
-Eroge πŸ‘
-But not English πŸ‘Ž
-Fighting game πŸ‘
-But a very bad one πŸ‘Ž