130 reviews liked by AhmetoftheAhmets

Choo-Choo, Charles is coming

Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never Trust a Narrator
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman
Trust her
Never trust a woman

I'm gonna kill my friends who started me on this season but honestly FF7 Rebirth event is funny especially if you get caught by a guy wielding a Buster Sword

I don’t know why there is a Judgment Ring, It disrupts the pacing of combat due to its QTE and many dungeons are annoying due to their frustrating puzzles but there is no need to grind and random encounter rate might be the best among PS2-era JPRGs

FUGA: Melodies of Steel has a great turn-based combat, It is just like a rock-paper-scissors game, it is quite fun and combats made me feel a bit challenging especially in the boss fights however I don’t have an issue with that because the game forces to use Soul Canon to you, It is a gun that kills anything with one shoot but requires bio-power. If you want to use that gun, you have to sacrifice one of the children and it affects the ending

I don’t know whether Suda wants to make games, he always surprises me and probably wants to be different from other designers yeah, he totally nails it, I wish I could love that man, Oh shit I completely forgot to talk about the game…Guys go and play it, it is an enjoyable Hack&Slash game with its unique style

Trails into Reverie is the latest Trails game to come to west and it has become my favorite in the series, firstly its gameplay is the best in the entire series (excluding Kuro because I haven't played them yet), creating your own Trails team is fun, new gameplay elements suit the game well and despite having around 50 characters in the game you don't need to grind you just have to place your quartz and equipment correctly, it will definetely be enough. Normally I don't like Persona 3 as much as other Persona games because Tartarus was way too boring and in the Trails into Reverie, Reverie Corridor copies that Tartarus design so I didn't expect much however Nihon Falcom surprised me because i really enjoyed in the Reverie Corridor but why? first off all its design feels just like Tartarus but it offers way too many prizes and bosses additionally you witness future of the Trails series in the Reverie Corridor also you will meet the most enjoyable Trails characters in the game

They made great improvements over the first game. Soaring with wings and riding a motorcycle in the game is really fun, and I also liked the bosses. However, with a special parry skill, the game becomes way too easy in the boss fights

I realized while playing 'Separate Ways' that Ada's voice is really frustrating because the voice actor reads her dialogues dully