It is the same game as Pokémon X.

It is the same as Pokemon Pearl except I only played it to get Pokemon that I could not get in the other gen 4 games.

I only played this because I wanted to get Pokémon that I was unable to get in Pokémon Emerald. It is the same game as Pokémon Sapphire.

I plan to complete the pokedex one day so my objective has not been met. This is what started it all and although I had fun playing this, it is lacking a lot of features that many other Pokémon games had and have today.

I like this game for nostalgia but it is not my favorite of the series however, I do recommend playing this before Black 2 as this pair has the most well-written story in the Pokémon games.

Read the review for Pokemon Soulsilver please.

One of the best Pokemon Games. Currently replaying it in order to get the national dex for gen 4.

This is the definitive Pokemon Sinnoh game. I personally prefer Pokemon Pearl, however, this game is better when it comes down to functionality and features. I am currently replaying this game in order to complete the sinnoh Pokedex but besides that, I have met my objectives with this game

Superior Kanto remake, same objectives I had for Pokémon Sapphire.

Even though Pokemon Emerald is better, I still believe that this is a solid Pokeom game. My main goal was to beat the game by defeating the champion, capturing the legendaries and any pokemon that I could not catch in Pokemon Emerald in order to complete the Pokedex.

I like it more than the original.

It is nothing special, but it is entertaining.

There are two versions of the game. There is the old version and the other version that is newer. The newer version of this game is superior and outshines the older version in every aspect.

It is not as good as Galaga but it is way better than Galaxian.