I recommend that you play this on the Xbox 360 as it has pretty much every Namco arcade game.

This is probably one the best (if not the best) Namco Museum that I have played. It does not have every Namco game but it has a great selection of the best of the best. It does not have the original Dig Dug sadly but it does have Dig Dug 2 (which is very fun to play).

I did and did not grow up with this game. This was the first generation that I ever played but it was not the first one I beat as I never had a GBA or an original ds (or lite). However, this is one of the better generations (of Pokémon) and I recommend to all Pokémon fans to play this amazing game.

I played this game instead of Ultra Sun because I wanted to experience this region in a different way. The originals introduced all kinds of interesting features and this game executed them perfectly with other cool features that were not in the originals.

This game was fun to play but it is outdated and I recommend to play Ultra Sun instead.

I recommend the older remakes of this region but it was a lot of fun to play. However, it was pretty easy.

It was fun to play and it made me actually care about the Pokémon franchise. It introduced all kinds of features that many love today but it also had features that many despise today as all of them have been into future installments in one form or another.

If you want to play an old and outdated console version of Minecraft, this is the one that you should play as it has all of the features of both Xbox 360 and One versions.

I am not sure why, but I had a lot of fun with this type of Pokemon game. I am sad to see that no sequel exists.

I had a lot of fun with this game and it is to go to Mario Kart game as of now (and possibly the future).

I had a lot of fun with this game but I am not the biggest fan of motion controls. Other than that, this is a solid Mario Kart Game with fun tracks to race on.

I am not sure how you can master Among Us except winning as the imposter and as a crewmate. This game was fun to play but it is not the type of game that I would play by myself.

It is the same game but it is one update behind. However, it has features that the Xbox 360 edition does not have. Like the Xbox 360 version, I would not recommend it today.

I played this game a lot back in the day as it was the first Minecraft version that I have ever played. It is a bit outdated so I would not recommend it to play it today sadly.

This is one of the best sandbox games that I have ever played. I have played and beat this game on many different devices. I hope that they add a lot more to this game because I believe that it had potential to be one of the best video games period