Everything feels great in this. I loved the turn based combat after you learn more of your abilities. The basic attacks fill up your magic points, I like how timing your attacks leads to more damage, the combos that keep things interesting, the lock mechanic to break enemy attacks, and there are consumables to use if you're desperate.

Exploring is also fun but a little linear. The puzzles are okay and feel like busy work sometimes. Finding the secrets was okay. Didn't feel that rewarding since I hadn't discovered why I needed the rainbow conches yet before I quit the game. The music, art, and animation were very good.

I think where Sea of Stars lacked allure for me was its story and writing. It's serviceable, but it lacked character and excitement. The two main characters in particular were devoid of personality. There was very little humor as well.

I loved the board game from what I played. It's basic and luck-based but fun and satisfying! I am a sucker for in-game board/card games though.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
