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Actually surprisingly fun! I didn’t think I would like the game because of its art style and top down zelda-esque gameplay. But stylistically it’s just so polished and balanced gameplay-wise. The art style grew on me. Also the shadows and reflections are beautiful. The story is intriguing but not really thought-provoking. I pushed through because I wanted to see the climax of the crow’s journey after getting roped into helping a elder crow escape his trapped existence after losing the creature’s soul he was charged with capturing. The dungeons were exciting and the combat was pretty good! Sometimes it feels like I shouldn’t be taking damage but overall not too frustrating. Very good soundtrack. Reminds me a bit of Ni No Kuni and Ori. It really would have benefited with having a compass. Made it hard to find each new area. Especially a weird omission when the gravedigger and Old Crow reference the direction of each new area using North, East , and West. The ragdoll physics are awesome and makes the world feel more real. Also the bodies you’ve slain stick around, which is pretty cool. So many fun memorable characters. Might have benefited from voice acting, but it is an indie so that’s usually unreasonable for a game this size. Ending felt satisfying with killing the Lord of Doors and ending the cycle of immortal life that had started to destroy the world. The main issue is lack of compass or any map and the upgrades don’t feel like they’ve done anything until you’ve upgraded a couple times.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2023
