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31 days

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March 2, 2024

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March 5, 2023

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Square Enix did the right thing to bring back the Project Diva of Final Fantasy OSTs, albeit refactoring certain gameplay features that complicated party building such as abilities, which instead of spending CP to build your skillset you can put up to three abilities without requiring any CP, and then items are now shown up as literal temporary powerups rather than a huge mess of RPG items. Of course, the idea of using RPG elements in a Rhythm Game isn't quite easy at all, so Final Bar Line aims to make it simple and in favor of a more forgiving (but still quite repetitive) Mission Series system which replaces the Quests from the previous 3DS entry. In the previous 3DS entry, most of the track list was available, with some tracks to be unlocked as you play the game and on, but now in this version, you have two ways to unlock songs: either by encountering the music tracks in Mission Series or by diving into randomized music picks everytime you finish a song, this to allow the player to dive deep into a sense of discovery, exception being the extra tracks from any DLCs and the Deluxe Edition.

However, after you finish playing all the Mission Series, you will unlock an endless mode which gets you to approach a difficulty increasing path of randomly picked music from what you've unlocked, BUT also all the DLCs you have (which honestly is really great if you've ever wanted to play the DLC tracks in the endless mode), but aside from that, there is nothing else to do but keep playing all the favourite tracks you've unlocked whatever you want.

Most of the music tracks are taken from the previous games, but as expected the DLCs are here to waste your money once again, with a LOT of extra appearances of other Square Enix titles such as the SaGa series, The World Ends With You, NieR Automata, Live A Live (a banger) and many other titles... with a Digital Deluxe Edition (like said above) which includes extra tracks taken from some of their Music merchandising (for example Brass de Bravo). Unfortunately, getting the DLC stuff isn't much an exciting thing to do as i'm not a huge fan of paid content for such games (although i bought Project Diva Megamix with all the DLCs released so far since it was on a deal time ago, but i didn't even play all of it yet haha). Worth if you are a lot into rhythm games.