This was overall a really fun game with some elements I really didn't enjoy much. First off, it's a shitty and overpriced port, 50 bucks is only 10 to 20 dollars more than new releases so a half finished PS2 port for 50 bucks ain't cutting it. However, I thought the game itself was super fun, but failed to grip me in the same way SMT4 did. I loved the difficulty but I have to admit I had to turn merciful on for one fight towards the end since I was kind of done with the game. The random encounters and some of the dungeons didn't feel challenging to me, just frustrating. It took me 5 months of picking it up and putting it down to finish it because of that. But that combat is just so good, it feels great to kick asses of tough as nails bosses but I didn't find it nearly as hard as many said it was (ignore the fact I turned down the difficulty once shhhh). Overall if you wanna give SMTIII a shot, go for it but wait for a sale or something and I would recommend 4 over it in my opinion.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2021
