This was one of my favorite games when I was younger and replaying it on the Switch, I can see why, I absolutely adore this game and there is nothing really like it (outside the rest of the series of course). There's something so calming and peaceful about exploring the environment and it mixes so well with the stress and tension at times with more powerful enemies and the day's time limit. I only really had one complaint, the first 4 bosses were really easy, I think since I played the game so much when I was younger I knew exactly what to do but hey. Also, how the hell hasn't there been a new mainline Pikmin game since I could call myself younger to where I am now an adult? I may have mega nostalgia for this game but I HIGHLY recommend giving this a shot if you haven't played it before, goes on sale on Amazon a lot for 30 bucks which is how I got it.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2021
