I went into Skyward Sword with very neutral feelings, my friends called this game pretty good and the internet was very mixed on it. After playing it, I fucking hate this game. I can see why people like it though, the Ancient Cistern and Sandship are some of the best dungeons in the entire series, the story is one of my favorites in the series, and items are great. However, all these things are booged down by the rest of the game and just made me more frustrated these elements weren't in a better game.

The controls suck ass, they are WAY too reliant on motion controls and sure, you can turn them off, but the game is still designed with the motion controls in mind so it isn't a good solution. I actually like motion controls and gyro, I can't play shooters on a controller without gyro, but this game doesn't know when to pull the breaks on the motion controls, the swinging feels awkward and convoluted, rolling is really imprecise, swimming is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE, and the forward strike poke with the sword barley fucking works.

The other dungeons in the game apart from the two I listed in positives are eh, none else were really that memorable apart from the last dungeon.
Now for the part that pissed me off about the game the most, the padding. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. This game is SO BAD with padding. I hate when games make me feel like I'm wasting my time and like HALF THE FUCKING GAME FEELS LIKE PADDING. After the first three dungeons you do stupid ass stealth missions before you can do the other three. Then after that you need to find the stupid fucking song lyrics for a stupid fucking whale which is more random shit to do, and then you have to do ANOTHER SHITTY STEALTH SECTION. WHY?????????? IT"S NOT FUN AND SERVES NO PURPOSE.

Now, some more stuff I hated. The areas are boring apart from the sand area, with the other two areas feeling like New Super Mario Bros levels. The loftwing sucks and the sky area isn't fun to explore. The calibration on the joy cons constantly desynced. Also, fighting that one weird looking monster thing three times is so stupid, the only fun one is the final one, the other two fights suck ass.

So in conclusion, I hate this game, but it does some things right. Unfortunately for me, those things are overshadowed by the pile of shit this game throws at you. This isn't a review on the game, it's a declaration of fucking war.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2022
