8 Reviews liked by AlexGir

“stop calling me a baby Surge!” i, a grown woman, yell at my tv as i play a quarter century-old game intended for second graders

my least favourite mainline RE game, absolutely fucking hated it and found the navigation and puzzles miserable, bosses especially can go fuck themselves

the second to last boss at least was kinda raw though and X exclusive Wesker scenes are great

Got to the halfway point in Antarctica, and then stopped playing... looking up reviews, I'm shocked at how well received Code Veronica is. For a huge RE fan, I just don't see it. This game felt clunkier to me than the original trilogy, as it was much more poorly designed - between the pacing, backtracking, artificial difficulty, just everything about it was worse... and don't get me started on the characters and their voice acting... oh god, the voice acting... I thought we left this behind back in 1996 with the original RE...

The game more than overstayed its welcome, as I thought the fight with the Tyrant was going to be it, but to find out that was just the halfway point... at that time, I saved the game, and shut it off permanently without even giving it another go.

If they decide to remake this, maybe I'll try to go back and finish it... and based on Capcom's recent track record, I wouldn't put it past them to take this pile of trash and turn it into a proper RE treasure.

If this game ends up going under the radar that will be the biggest crime of the 21st century.

Devil May Cry 2 gets joked about a lot for how bad it is, but I feel like all the jokes give the wrong impression as to how the game is bad. The truth of the matter is that it isn't funny-bad, it's just boring-bad. It's an incredibly tedious and boring game with a bland barely present story and snooze-inducing gameplay.

The graphics are technically actually very nice! ...but the art direction is terrible and most of the game is just a boring sea of brown.
The gameplay introduces a lot of moves and concepts that will stick around and become integral to later games in the series! A lot of Trickster and Gunslingers abilities from DMC3 are here! ...but they're slow and clunky and most of them aren't worth using.

A word of warning: If you do decide to play this game, don't fall into the traps the memes might lead you into of doing nothing but shooting. Yes the gun-stagger means you can beat the entire game with ease by just holding down the shoot button, but this is also a very slow way to beat the game and you're making an already boring game even more boring for yourself. Try to learn the sword combos, at least try to squeeze whatever fun you can out of the game if you're going to play it.

Just a very tedious game. Honestly still probably better than a lot of it's competition of the time in the young character action genre, but really just leagues below every other game in the series. Lucia deserves a second chance in a better game.

Devil May Cry 2 is by far the most overhated game of the history, holy shit.

DMC2 is not even close of the first game in the series, it has worse graphics, worse level design and oversimplified combat, a shit story and for some reason Dante now has Leon (from RE4) personality but my god "worst game ever made"? Not even close.

This game has shit dev cycle and etc etc, but in a 9 months developed game you have a completely funcional shit, no major bugs, no game breaking sequence, ok performance even for the ps2 era and weird but competent level design with some good plataforming sessions. I feel that people that hate this game purposely frustrate their experiences with it by playing in the most boring way (spaming pistols) and with a close mind to not recongnize absolutely nothing that dmc2 does.

This game has good animations both from Dante combat but also movements, walking on the walls, backflips, for godsake, half of the gunslinger style from DMC3 has the animations of the DMC 2 pistols, the same goes for trickster, the player now has an option to deactivate the automatic aim lock with R2, Dante controls way better in the air and plataforming is way better than DMC 1, Dante character design and DT here are the better ones on the franchise and secrets involving flying and plataforming are pretty cool, and i honestly really enjoyed the last bossfight, the amalgamation of the bosses is cool, we got a new mechanic with the amulets that changes how your weapon interacts with enemys going from elements to actually slowing time, and it also changes DT forms, different sword that are suitable for different encounter (long distance, short and burst damage and balanced being the starting one) and you can also change weapons on the go without the need of going through an slow menu.

Look i'm not saying that DMC2 is actually a good game, but it has it's things, and things that reflected on the other games of the franchise in a good way, and i'm sorry, but calling a game with no gamebraking glitches, a duration of less than 2 hours were it's worst crime is "being boring" is just stupid, DMC 2 just suffer the effect of people being unable to look at something and form their own opinion, it's always easier to just repeat what someone else said right?

If you're going into this game to understand what's the deal with Ryo, you'll leave disappointed, this game has no plot. But if you're going in for an acceptable SRPG that will take very little time to complete, this is your game.