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Time Played


Days in Journal

11 days

Last played

March 26, 2024

First played

March 14, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Just going to get this out of way. I FUCKING ADORE THIS GAME.

At the time that I first played it, as the first game I bought when I got my PS4 back in 2021, I had no experience with anything Spider-Man. I knew nothing about the franchise and I had almost no interest in Marvel whatsoever. This game changed all of that. Spider-Man has had a major affect on me as a person and it all started from this Spectacular game.

I've never played any of the older Spider-Man games so I don't know if the gameplay is better or worse there but what I do know is that this game is an absolute blast to play. Simply traversing through the city is a fun and oddly relaxing way to pass time and it's so good that I often don't use the fast travel just for the sake of swinging. The combat is infamously very Arkham styled but with a lot of differences that make it clear that this is a Spider-Man game. Fighting groups of enemies is almost always fun however the longer you play the more stale they can get which is an issue I definitely noticed in the sequel. Another issue I find is that the bosses kind of suck. They all basically boil down to dodging attacks until the boss becomes vulnerable then beating on them until the QTEs take over. It's got a lot of spectacle but nothing super engaging.

My favorite part of this game though is the story. It really is the perfect Spider-Man story. A plot that genuinely reflects the mythos of Spider-Man. It's unique without completely straying from the source material and deters from basic Spider-Man plotlines to make something amazing. Its rare for a game to make me cry. It's even more rare for it to leave me on the floor balling. (Maybe Im just a baby idk)

Part of me feels like there is no possible way I can discuss this game without bias. It's just so special to me. I genuinely would be a very different person if not for this game and its themes are thoughts that I carry onto to this day.

Simply Spectacular!