33 Reviews liked by Alfresa

The kino of Senran Kagura.

Remember when the series had cool openings, and not just girls dancing in swimsuits or around food? And on that note why is Beyond Light and Darkness such a fucking good song.

Anyways, take everything that Burst did with its characters, and put them on a super satisfying journey of their relationship development between the Hanzo and Hebijo students, fighting the only enemy mobs with decent design in the series, the yoma. Honestly there is nothing more satisfying for me, than rivals going from disdain with each other, to a middle ground/understanding or outright becoming friendly rivals, so Deep Crimson is absolute kino about that.

Presentation wise, visually is much improved, I don't know how much of a hot take it is to say that this is the best looking game in the series, models are great, the environments more polished, animations are cool, specially the pair up intros, outros, and special attacks, and I like the sort of darker shading the entire game has, like the illumination is more subdued, which puts it above the rest, that goes for a far brighter lighting to the models, for me.

Gameplay is also better, everything feels snappier, get a more stable framerate, and thematically, adding the pair mechanic is great, you can swap characters at the press of a button and continue a combo, special shinobi artes for each pair, and continue to grow their affinity for each other grants new animations and dialogue between them. Also there are actual boss fights this time around, which is cool, tad janky with the camera but is cool. Overall it retains the fast paced feel of Burst, but polishes up what it needs to polish up to deliver a much better mechanical and technical experience.

Is a good enough game that when I play it, makes me forget for a while about the fact that the series doesn't have anything worthwhile besides the 2 main entries, between the Versus games that don't have as good of a feel to them, bunch of spin-offs that feel like lazy cash grabs looking at the rhythm, pinball and reflection games, and I'll definitely never forgive them for turning Kiriya-sensei into a pervert in the spin-offs.

This came out during a phase of my life when I was playing MGS3 constantly anyway. So I thought... why not get it for this 3DS of mine? The port left a lot to be desired, especially in terms of performance, but the fact that it's a portable version of MGS3 was well worth a few compromises. I think I played through this five or six times by the time I traded it, even going so far as to do a Big Boss rank run. But in this day and age, there's absolutely no reason to play this version when you could emulate MGS3 Subsistence on any halfway decent PC or get the HD Collection.

so this is what carpal tunnel feels like