Mechanically, this game is a perfect evolution of the PS2 quadrilogy. Nearly every weapon feels really fun to use, movement is solid, shooting is the best it's ever been. However, this game falls flat for me when it comes to the story. The overarching plot never really grabbed me since Ratchet's family wasn't something that was ever really relevant to Ratchet ever before so it felt jarring for every game going on to focus on it. On top of that the robo-pirates, while silly, got a bit tiring by the end of their stay within the game and I was glad to have them gone. The interactions between Ratchet and Clank are still really solid but I miss other non-Qwark characters being present (which I understand why, whole new system and all). Overall I really enjoyed the game but it never hit the highs of the PS2 games for me.

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2022
