I didn't think much of this when I finished it at first, but it's stature gradually grows and I already have developed a fondness for it. Good game.

As on going gaming projects, this one had the X factor at it's early inception, but lost it's way. Somehow I consider it inevitable with these kind of games, but it was fun while it lasted.

With abunded composure, Akinator gestured with his open palm to dismiss my attempts to best him. Eyes closed, he didn't think it was necceserry to even look at my mortal coil. I had failed again and he was the winner once more. ''How could he guess Sonic the hedgehod, my second cousin or the mytochondria (powerhouse of the cell) ?! '' I asked myself, pulling my hair in bewilderment. One time the turbaned thaumaturge started sweating, after I said NO to him ten times in a row. I couldn't hide my smirk of pleasure as I anticipated for him to announce his defeat. It was a sure victory. Yet, that sly countenance met me again. The whole time he was pulling my leg and I was at his mercy again.
Fifteen year old me was so flabbergasted, that I tried showing it to my mother, so she could too marvel at the great genie's prowess and maybe offer some explanation. Could an adult make sense of what a child couldn't? It turned out, she was just as mystified, if not more. Her theory was that Akinator could hear me through the crappy built in microphone of my Microsoft camera, so we did his bidding in complete silence. If someone came into the room, I quickly raised my index finger to my mouth to hush them, like I was hinding from some beast and my survival depended on it. Of course it didn't work out, and my mother updated her theory that he could read my lips like HAL fro 2001: A space oddysey. I jacked the usb out from the pc, disconecting my camera alltogether so he could not have access to my sences. Failuire again. The only thing that remained for me to conclude was that he really read my thoughts. So, I tried sending ''fake'' signals to him, while still answering thruthfully. I just thought of the wrong thing, so I could swindle him. Again, I was toast. Every now and then I managed to beat him, but it felt unearned, like it was my fault somehow. He was living rent free in my head. It seemed I faced God himself, and he had come to teach me to be humble.

The Player Impact Engine and those David Villa 50 metre unstoppable finesse shots made all the difference.

That moose level blew my mind so hard...

Early Jesper Kyd industrial bangers right here. I get pumped up just listening to the intro.

It doesnt' have an idea solid enough for a entire game, but has moments of brilliance in it to have staying power for me.

For brief moment, at the begining, it was perfection
The score reflects that quick glimpse of serendipity.

The only thing I remember from this is the Kasabian needle drop