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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 3, 2023

Platforms Played


(not finished lol)

Someone really took Sekiro, replaced Mikiri Counters with Onimusha's Issen, and released it as a F2P mobile game. It's funny how blatantly inspired by Sekiro it is, too, it even has some enemies move in the same way enemies from Sekiro do.

Hell, just look at the 2-20 boss: https://youtu.be/xoxb8yaXiac?t=60

Or any boss for that matter.

It's actually really cool, with a unique art style (rare for mobile) and gameplay that requires some skill. But it's still a F2P mobile game, so it has some dumb monetization for its meta-progression and touch screen doesn't feel responsive enough for this type of game.

Still pretty raw for a mobile game tho ngl so imma not delete it.