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Time Played

30h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 13, 2023

Platforms Played


Conceptually, this DLC feels like a fucking scam. It has a grand total of 2 new bosses, 2 new jobs (which I didn't use at all get fucked), no new stages (I'm not gonna count Bahamut's arena as a stage), no new mobs. The bulk of the content is replaying the shit you already played, but with modifiers and a higher difficulty. Compare that to Nioh's DLCs and I just assume Square-Enix gave Team Ninja a budget of 2 peanuts for this thing.

Other than that, there's like 8 side missions that are just reused locations and enemies with some change ups, such as throwing stupid adds at you while you deal with a boss.

Sure, bosses get modified AI and some new tricks, but they're still mostly the same bosses with higher numbers. And sure, you don't actually need to replay through all missions, you only need to get enough of a new currency through replaying missions. It's still lame tho.

But damn if I didn't have fun with it. The change in difficulty alone makes the game better because gear and builds actually fucking matter for once after not mattering at all during the main game (I'm counting Chaos difficulty as main game too). Picking and choosing gear to give me the job affinity bonuses that worked for my playstyle is fun and seeing Jack shred through shit when my build is ready is so damn satisfying.

Though then... I still think Team Ninja are lame as fuck for making the entirety of their games' loot mechanics trivial until you hit the higher difficulties which are basically NG+. Needing a paid DLC to actually make the mechanics in the base game matter is even more of a joke. At least Nioh had some endgame in the game itself and not only in DLC.

Probably shouldn't complain that much about the practice when I yarr arr'd it since Epic refuses to sell me games on their storefront anyway, but whatever lol. Plus I did say I had lots of fun seeing SOP's gameplay actually come together, and that's why the score is ultimately so high even though this review reads like I think it's a 1/5.