Parodius 1991

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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 8, 2023

Platforms Played


Well now it's time for the Game Boy port of this. As I said in the Famicom version review, go read the Arcade review for me to talk more about the game. I can't believe I'm saying this but this has so far been the best version of the game for me.

Now it's not perfect as stuff like the colors being monochrome kind of hurts the presentation of the original even more then the Famicom version did. But for what they had I still do like that it looks good but yeah it is a shame this doesn't have SGB support, I don't think that existed yet though. The music wasn't slouched on though because it sounds great with the GB sound. I also now realized there's a Harry Potter bootleg that stole music from this game.

Sadly the two button problem is still here so don't get used to having special moves at times. They also seemed to have nerfed the giant invincibility power. This game does have at least 7 stages and apparently a secret one but I never found it. In fact I failed to mention in my Famicom review that had secret stages too apparently, so apologies for that.

I was really surprised the mardi gras girl was in this. What was the point of taking her out of the Famicom version then? The game also just doesn't really have slowdown or any bad flicker. This is probably one of the best reasons to play this version even if it's still not the fastest game ever. The game also has a small screen since it's the GB so be a little careful about it. The only other complaint I really have is for some reason they removed what characters have what abilities they have when selecting, instead showing their age which is rather odd.

Overall it's a good port of the game, sure it has it's limitations but it's not frustrating in difficulty and it's pretty playable. I was expecting this to be the worst one but Konami did good with this one. Glad my expectations were wrong and got something enjoyable.