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January 23, 2023

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All girl fighters were just a thing I feel like just kind of happened in this era of gaming. You had stuff like Asuka 120%, the Variable Geo games, and even Sailor Moon getting it's cast of Sailor Senshi clashing to see who's the best. Then we have this one. Looking at the art you would expect something good here plus it was 1994 so surely they got something right? No...

This is a 1 v 1 fighter starring 8 characters. There are no secret characters or boss characters that are only used by the CPU. I played as Kris the nurse for the playthrough I did. It uses 6 buttons which I think wasn't too unusual for a fighter on the Super Famicom, could be wrong though.

Now I have to confess, I'm far from an expert of the genre but this game's frame data makes no sense to me. Like almost nothing has cool down and I don't even understand how priority works in this game. You can literally get away with mashing your head off like crazy. The damage values are also just inconsistent, I don't understand it at all.

Ok I know I usually wait till around the end to talk about presentation but I need to talk about the animations. A lot of the animations for the characters are very whack. Some not only look so stilted looking but go by so fast that it is hilarious to me. Even their actual standing animations look kind of bad.

There's not really too much to do. You can fight 7 of the fighters in story mode but the ending isn't much to right home about. You can fight your friends if you hate them or you want to have a good laugh at the balance. There's some options you can toggle with but otherwise there isn't much here.

If the fighting was actually good it be ok but it's not. Moves are too fast, damage is inconsistent, the game feels like a spamfest. I swear the AI are cheaters and I'm convinced they begin to block better if you use a move too much. ALSO WHY CAN THEY ALWAYS GRAB BUT I CAN'T 80% OF THE TIME?! There's even two characters who can heal anytime like how is that fair. I also don't get what causes a character to fall over, it feels so random.

The game looks decent outside of the awful fighter sprite animations. I do like some of the locations you go to but they don't really feel interesting and I was gonna complain they don't feel fitting but thinking about it, I think that's just plain wrong. I do think they look empty however at times. Why do some portraits for the characters not match the sprites. One girl has like dark blue or maybe black hair but their sprite is normal blue hair. There's also a girl with a headband but it's just not on the sprite. The music is certainly weird but some of it sounds good. It's probably the best part of the game. The voice acting isn't too bad but nothing that will interest you. Though I do love the one girl that kept saying SAILOR PUNCH!!! and YAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!

This was not a fun time. I would not recommend this to anyone. It's a shame it turned out so bad. It's not the worst game ever made but I wouldn't wish this on anyone unless they wanna have fun on how bad it feels. The fact there are still a lot worse for fighting games says a lot. Two more games would be made for this series, the next one being Saturn exclusive. Maybe I'll try it someday. But yeah don't really have much more to say. Guess I'll just end it here.