I actually really enjoyed this when it came out, kinom.

Most kino COD game of all time. No one can tell me otherwise.

Piccadilly Circus on repeat all day.

The numbers Mason... what do they mean?

One of the original kino COD games, prime time to be a COD player.

Most of my multiplayer COD memories come from this game, ranging from survival to infection. So this COD holds a special place in my heart. Oh, also a badass conclusion to the MW trilogy.

One of the OG CODs of all time.

Absolutely kinom campaign. Brilliant co-op raids and multiplayer.

One of the OG CODs of all time.

I never played the multiplayer, but by god does this game have an awesome campaign.

All you had to do, was follow the DAMN TRAIN CJ!


Get yourself a group of friends that spends your most valuable crafting items on a chair instead of expanding your 2x2 platform