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Time is such a precious part of our lives.

I've seen people slowly succumb to illness in front of me before. My grandmother suffered cancer four different times, and the fourth time took her without remorse. She was so strong and so resilient, and I will always be proud of her for fighting as long as she did, but it broke me. Seeing someone fade from you, someone you love so much, it's just suffering. A living nightmare.

That slow decay is what stuck out to me the most while playing UNSIGHTED. Every NPC you meet and make a connection with is on a timer that is constantly going down until they die. As the game drags on, and as means of extending lifespans become more and more scarce, you see more and more of the NPCs you tried to bond with slip away into death. The village starts the game as a bustling center of life and ends it completely empty, broken signs indicating empty establishments.


There's nobody left by the end. Even this game's helper character, a Navi equivalent, dies off eventually. It's only you and your thoughts as you navigate a once vibrant world. The worst part is that you knew it was coming. You could have possibly prevented it if only you were faster. If only you had finished the game in a shorter time frame, then everyone could have been saved.

But you didn't. Now everything is gone. All the things you wanted to say that you never did, all the people you never met that have vanished from existence. Who knows what you could have found in the lives you didn't have the time to save?

There's never enough time.

There are so many things I wish I could have said to my grandmother before she passed. I looked up to her a lot and I still think she was the wisest person I ever met. But I was only 15 when she died. I didn't have the words to express those feelings yet. The last conversation I ever had with her was me sitting across from her in the hospital explaining something I was hyperfixating on to her. I wish I had told her how amazed by her I was, how often I thought of her when I needed guidance on a decision. I didn't because I didn't know how.

But I did the best I could.

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

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1 year ago

I'm so glad you liked it! It's my second favorite Brazilian game and one of my favorite games overall!

And a great review, as always! Very touching! It's always incredible to see a game I'm so fond of elicit such strong feelings on my friends and colleagues!