This is the stupidest RE installment yet, the Ethan Winters saga is the most homogenically western and cliche-ridden American horror duology literature I've played in years.

VILLAGE writer Anthony Johnston gets lost in his snobbish American lens delivering a portrait of a lost rural village where the most uninspired monsters clumsily assault us. Licantropes riding horses, Vampires, zombies with swords? A guy with magneto abilities that transforms himself into ... A transformer ??? What the Fuck (well at least this one is more creative, even if it causes embarrassment)

Although inspired by RE4, the cliches also devour the approach to action and navigation, with a standard array of weapons and a first-person perspective, the combat does not differ one bit from the rest of survival FPS of the last decade, feeling The regression of the multiple and superior combat options in RE4, and the semi-open level design does not turn out to be as threatening or challenging to navigate as the corridors of RE2 2019, or Union, the city of The Evil Within 2, seems the Little inspiration of VILLAGE turns to the voyeurism of playing hide and seek with Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters (visual delight for otakus) and the grotesque images of Ethan being injured and maimed,.a waste of energy from my point of view. Not a theme park, not a true gender collage.

It is curious that this game makes me appreciate The evil within 2 more since in essence they are the same, a Japanese collage of universal horror with strong American influences, but while VILLAGE takes it in a bland and voyeuristic way, the evil within 2 is more elegant and creative with its context and spatial flow. Oh! and the setting in rural lost towns has to end, the anonymous rural Spain frozen in time with pesetas included from R4 was fun, but .

BTW, if you are going to comment on something like "American through a non-American lens", please save it, the point is not the lens, it is the cliche and voyeurism to which cities and villages are reduced under that vision

Reviewed on May 11, 2021


3 years ago

alguien puede decirme si el juego es bueno o no mis hijos tienen hambre

3 years ago

ni idea todavía no salió

3 years ago

dale gracias, igual no me corre
This comment was deleted

2 years ago

RIP this thread, Ardwyw has controversial opinions and I love controversial opinions

9 months ago

You are of course entitled to your own opinion, but you come across as a very vitriolic contrarian, especially in regard to your comments... you saying "I like divergent opinions" speaks volumes, and your aggressive behaviour is uncalled for.

9 days ago

I respect your opinion, but I couldn't disagree more. The game's writing and story is bad sure, but it's far from creatively bankrupt in terms of gameplay and ideas. The setting is a different take on RE4's isolated village idea and I think it's done really well, and the horror being styled to American cliches just adds to the fact that these games are a comfort series to some people, the game is clearly not trying to push the genre forward in that aspect, its just trying to be a good time.