1 review liked by ArmoredCavalry

One of the most beautiful games out there, not only in terms of its visuals and general presentation but also of its narrative and themes.

The gameplay itself might not be the most unique, but its more than decent enough to support everything else the game has to offer, its tried and true action adventure formula is fun and well executed and the game's length ensures it doesn't outstay its welcome.

The effects, animations, visual identity and overall graphical quality perfectly work together to create one of the most visually impressive gaming experiences to date. Which is then perfectly complemented by the games delightful soundtrack and sound design.

A remarkable heartwarming journey. Be it due to its simple yet deep narrative, its lovely characters, its tendency to stop me in my tracks in awe of my surroundings and, of course, the fact it had me collect silly little hats for my silly little friends. If nothing else, Kena can surely make one smile.