Awful game. I'm convinced anyone who praises it hasn't played it and just thinks the concept seems cool.
To start off: the controls. Really creative and i can see potential here but they end up being your greatest enemy. Having to aim and move the camera at the same time makes for unnecessarily hard combat. Movement also feels unresponsive since dodging, dashig and walking are all the samr input, the game expects you to be able to do all three correctly at the right times while fighting the camera and aiming at the same time, all of this results in dashing when you don't want to, doing a dodge attack with a lot of recovery when you don't want to, getting hit by an enemy behind you which you can't reasonably see in time since you are fighting an army in front of, and hitting proximity melee attacks with a lot of recovery and momentum. In summary, fights feel less like fighting enemies and more trying to make Pit do what you want him to do. Air sections don't have these problems of course but they are not flawless. The main problem here is the clutters of enemies sent your way which makes the shots harder to see and dodge, worse part being the fact that 90% of enemy shots are homing and multiple times enemies appear so close so suddenly as to make shots undodgeable. Also some weapons just don't work for aerial sections not because of lack of power but lack of range, which is an implicit stat, not something you can easily see before buying or fusing.
Speaking of weapons, the system sucks, it's nice that there's variety but at the end of the day close range sucks and the most valuable stat is a low charge, something which you cannot know until you spend resources to get the weapon, so if you get particularly unlucky you could use a great weapon that might not have strong stats for the next missions and then get a strong weapon with awful charge time.
Regarding difficulty, the way it works is interesting, having to bet money to play harder difficulties and get more rewards. But why does it have to lower each time you die? You end up always resetting so you can get the difficulty you actually want, it discourages making mistakes and learning from them and encourages just lowering the difficulty.
Awful, terribly designed game that had a lot of potential.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2023
